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Attachment C <br />The 1005.015 ta6fe also allows following "Permitted" Land Uses that also closely <br />describe the component uses of Twin Gty Chinese Christian Church (T4C) and many <br />other churches and as the following as a"Permitted Use" in the B-3 Zoning District: <br />Cultural Institution <br />Meeting Halls <br />Offites (business & professianal) <br />Private Culturaf Enstitution5 <br />Pubiic Uses <br />Recording, broadcasting, ar TV studias <br />Restaurant Class E- Traditional (no liquor and drive-thru allowed, including cafe, <br />buffet, coffee shop, deli.) <br />Schools of Music or Dance <br />�heatre <br />Likewise, there are no compone�t uses of T4C pragrarn.5 and facilities that are not <br />permitted in the listed B-3 zoning uses. <br />It shauld be noted that only the Office use is permitted. in the B-1 ais#rict, and the <br />Schaol of Da�ce or Music is allowed under CUP. The balance of the aba�e church-like <br />uses which are permitted in the B-3 �istrict are not permitted in the B-1 District. <br />It should also be noted that the description of the B-1 Limited Business DistricE in 5ect <br />1005:02 as 'lrmited range of affice or profe5siona! services at the periphery of residentia! <br />uses or integrated with residential uses'. <br />Since the 2755 Long Lake Road site is neither at the" periphery" or "integrated" with <br />any residential use [and is at least 1,500 feet from the nearest residentiaf zoning district) <br />it seems to be less appropriate to re-zone to the B-1 clas5ification, than it is to modify <br />the B-3 classification text, <br />The current site complies with intent to face or front on a state or county road' since it <br />fronts on the west frontage raad connecting County Rd C2 west af I-35W. <br />It seems that the intent of the �006 zoning code was to locate churches within ar at the <br />edges of residenCial areas. Vtlith the trend to consolidate smaller churches inta laTger <br />c�urches ar�d the unique nature of this church which ser�es an e�hnic population <br />scattered throughout ihe rnetro area, it �eems reasonable and appropriate #a expand <br />the sitting of suci� uses similar to the B-3 classification on a regianal business district on <br />a"state or county road" that acis as an arteria! route, rather than through a residential <br />neighborhood. <br />rldciitional EZequirec� Inf��rn�atior,�. Pa��e fi of 7 <br />