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1988 A diagnostic feasibilit)~ stud}' was completed. This study, based on a computer <br /> model calibrated with rainfall data, quantifies the pollutant loading to major lakes <br /> in the watershed. With a better understanding of how area lakes function, projects <br /> were recommended that would have the largest impact on water quality. <br />1990 A lake level control plan was completed. This plan analyzed the flooding potential <br /> in the watershed and recommended changes to the outlets of major lakes. <br />1990 Charlie Pond modifications were constructed. This pond, located on the border of <br /> Shoreview and Roseville west of Lake Owasso, treats water from a major <br /> contributing watershed to Lake Owasso. <br />1990/ Anew Lake Owasso outlet was constructed. This project eliminated high water <br />1991 problems on Lake Owasso. <br />1.992/ A number of smaller studies including the Lady Slipper Park dredging stud}~ and <br />1993 the south bay of Lake Wabasso study were completed. <br />1993 A stormwater characterization study was constructed. This study monitored actual <br /> runoff from the watershed and compared it to other wbanized watersheds. <br />1994 A SWMM computer model update was finished. This study utilized the results <br /> from the stormwater characterization to update a computer model of the ~ti•atershed. <br />1994 The original diagnostic feasibility study was updated. This update based on the <br /> original report completed in 1988 utilizes results from the new computer model to <br /> verif}~ the benefit of proposed capital projects. <br />1995 A lake planning effort was finished. The first phase of this project includes the <br /> preparation of lake management plans for Snail Lake, Lake Wabasso, and Lake <br /> O~;~asso. These plans review past water qualit<• information and the results of the <br /> diagnostic feasibilit<~ study to set water qualih~ goals for each lake. <br />1995/ American Legion Park ponds will be constructed. These stormwater ponds located <br />1996 east of Victoria Street and south of Count}' Road C ~;'ill treat stormwater from a <br /> major contributing area to Lake Owasso. <br />FUTU CTION <br />Historically, the activities of GLWMO have either been directly mandated by State legislation or <br />addressed water quantity and flooding issues within the watershed. More recently, activities have <br />focused on understanding the complexities of the watershed and there relation to water quality. <br />In the future, it is expected that GLWMO will continue to function as a policy making <br />organization with regard to water resources use with a focus on maintaining and, where possible, <br />improving water quality. <br />The board wishes that its activities provide a valuable service to watershed citizens. It is <br />important, therefore, that the board's direction meets the approval of both Roseville's and <br />Shoreview's City Councils. When. discussing potential watershed management organization <br />directions, two extremes arise: <br />