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R?.GIGv 5 <br />`~"}" ~~' INNESOTA <br />nepartmerrt of ~"~'~ Yatural Resources <br />~s± <br />``'vision of "" aters <br />"e i <br />RfCrr ,~ ~ r~ ~ ~ r ~ , ~ <br />PROTIJCTEI~ ti~'ATERS <br />PEI~'b1IT <br />Pzrrnit :~•a m5 <br />k <br />97-6223 <br />Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103G, and on the basis ofstatrments and information contained in the permit application, lctt-°cs, maps, and plans submitt;.d by the <br />..~.~;,,.,.,r a.,.~ ~~rh,+~„~.~,-;moo ~i~r~ ail nFufi;rfi o~ m.~ err a ~~n hrren(hv re(crrnce_ PER.~fISSIOti IS HEREBY GR~tiTED to [ht aoolicant to vetform tht work as authorized below: <br />Protzctzd lvatzr -' - ~ County <br />Lake Owasso (62-~6P) Ramsey <br />Name ofPzrnrittze Tzlzphone Numbzr (include.4rea Code) <br />City of Shoreview (612) 490-=1686 <br />Agent: Todd Ho~•vard, Assistant City Engineer <br />Address (~'o. &StreeG RFD, Box No. City, Statz, Zip Codz) <br />4600 North `v icloria, Shoreview, tifinnesota » 126 <br />.-lutftoreed 1G'ork. <br />Restore the lake bed to its original cross-section by removing four cubic yards of sediment from a 400-square-foot area, all as <br />sho«n on the permit application received June 30, 1997. <br />Purpose of Permit Expiration Dale ofPzrmit <br />Stormwater i/tanasement November 30, 1998 <br />f rN Described as: <br />SE1/4, Section 3~, T30N-R23W <br />.-IddrtssofProperty, if Known: <br />.-!s lndicatzd in Genzral Provision t~'o. 11: <br />The Ordinary High Water Elevation of 886.60' (NGVD, 1929} <br />This permit is granted subject to the following GENER•~I, and SPECIAL PROVISIONS: <br />GE~+TERAL PROVISIONS <br />The perniluee is not released from any rule, regulations, requirerrtcnts, or standards of any applicable federal, state, or local agencies; including, but not limited to, the U.S. <br />flmty Corps of Engirkxts, Board of Water and Soil Resources, ~1N Pollution Control Agenry, wat.~rshed districts, water managzment organizations, county, city and township <br />zoning. This permit dons not releaser the permittee of any permit requirements of the St. Paul Disuic4 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, lrmy Corps of Enginern Crntre, 190 <br />Fifth Street East', St_ Paul, ~fi`i 55101-1638. <br />Tnis permit is not assignable by the permittee except with the writicn consent of the Commissione: of natural Resources. <br />The pernrittee shall notif,• the .tea Hydroieg+st at !ta_st five days in advance of ther commcnccment of the work authorized hereunder and notify him-her of its coatpletion within <br />five days. The Notice of Permit issued by the Corrtmissioner shall 6c kept securely posted in a conspicuous place at the site of operations. <br />The permittee shall make no changes., wirhout writk-n pcrrrtission previously obtair:zd from the Commissioner of Natural Rttoures, in the dimensions, capacity, or lo.:ation <br />of env items of work authorized hercundx.. <br />The permittee shall grant access to the site at all reasonable lima during and aft,~r construction to authorized representatives of the Ccmmissionct of Natural Resources fee <br />inspection of the work authorized hereu;:dcr, <br />This Permit may be terrninatcd by the Commissioner of Natural Resources :u any time decrrted necessary for the cortservation of wat.=r resource of the state, or in the intcrz~t <br />of public health and welfare, or for violation of any of the provisions of this ptmtit, unless otherwiser provided in the Special Provisions. <br />GxUlruction work aut}w~rizcd tuv.;t-r this permit shall be completed oa or bzforc date specified above. The pernilttee may request an e~cnsion of time to complete the proJz~t, <br />stating the reason thereof, upon written request W the Commissioner of Natural Resources. <br />