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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />July 28, 1999 <br />Page Three <br />Ran stated that a meeting was held with BWSR, AMC, MASWCD, MRCS and RC~Ds <br />regarding RC&Ds' request for BWSR funding. Ron stated that he was not in support <br />this of this request. He felt that there now is a better understanding of BWSR's <br />position, we don't need a duplication of services. Ron will meet with board members to <br />discuss this further. <br />Ron reported that the Water Management Unification Initiative is moving forward. Ron <br />stated that this is an interagency effort, an effect based project to show measurable <br />water outcomes in the basins. Ron distributed copies of Doug Thomas' perspective of <br />the initiative for board member's information. <br />Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) -Jim Haertel reported that there are presently <br />eight pending appeals, all are WCA appeals, however two appeals will not likely result <br />in a hearing before the DRC. One of those is in Murray County where a settlement has <br />been agreed to by the landowner, Murray SWCD and the DIVR. The settlement <br />agreement is being signed by the parties. The other appeal is in McLeod County <br />involving a violation and it appears settlement will be reached. <br />Two of the other appeals involve the Wild River Audubon Society and Chisago County <br />appealing a replacement plan approval that the City of Forest Lake made for a Cub <br />Foods Site. TherA is a lot of ~nJatpr resource controversy In tlri.~7. area Cf Forest Lake as <br />development occurs rapidly in an area with many wetlands and no comprehensive plan. <br />The DRC hearing is set for August 5. <br />Another appeal involves a flood control project in Big Stone County and Judicial Ditch 4. <br />DNR funding has been used and about half of the flood contro( project was completed <br />when a cease and desist order was issued. An exemption was then requested but <br />denied, and the exemption denial has been appealed. In this case, the Big Stone <br />County Board the drainage authority is appealing the exemption denial made <br />by the Big Stone SWCD. The DRC hearing is set for September 2. <br />Another appeal. is in Murray County where board conservationist Tabor Hoek, as a <br />member of the TEP, appealed a replacement plan decision. Originally a cease and <br />desist order was issued on a project, then the Murray SWCD approved a replacement <br />plan. The DRC hearing is set for August 5. <br />Two other appeals have been pending for a whi{e and settlement talks have not been <br />successful. These appeals involve a decision by the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />and are brought by the Audubon Society and the League of Women Voters. No <br />hearing date has been set. <br />