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To: Grass Lake Water Management Organization <br />From: Denny Palmer, Karen Chandler, Hal Runke <br />Subject: Work Plan--GLWMO Water Management Plan <br />Date: September. 9, 1999 Paee 4 <br />available information rather than active teaching, and create an on-going mechanism for public <br />information. The ViT1~0 will target information efforts which best achieve the goals of the plan. <br />4.1 Attend public meetings during the planning process. fifteen meetings of public commissions <br />are expected (six in task 1.1.3 above, nine more this task), together with presentation of the <br />draft plan at one council meeting in each city.and at a public open house. Barr to prepare <br />presentation materials and attend two city council meetings and one open house and prepare <br />materials for GL9~0 Board staff to attend the six public commission meetings. <br />4.2 Create a "client list" of persons and organizations who would benefit from specialized or <br />continuing information from the WMO. <br />®. ® e4.3 Create a "source list" of information types and locations, and a means for keeping the source <br />® list current. <br />4.4 Establish information strategies intended to put the "clients" together with the "sources." <br />~ ~ _~ 4.5 Establish newsletter and other publication goals and strategies. <br />Tank 5.®--®tlaer Water agement Plan Eleffients. The Plan will need to address other <br />elements of water resource planning specified by the rules, but it is proposed to provide less <br />emphasis on these items than on the above "focus" items. <br />~J.1 Gl"4llIl'~~;T8t2:' ~1:'~ ;`T,c010~'--3C1^c:i~l J' ~10tiV ~i2~ `b'2010~"iC i1iS~0i'~% Oi 'L~lc l~r'c` tilc7y iIIl~c`1C~ i,~i~' <br />relationship of surface waters to groundwater, and how surface water decisions may need to <br />consider such impacts. <br />5.1.1 Characterize the geology, groundwater resources, and groundwater quality. Use and <br />adopt by reference the information and maps available from the Ramsey County <br />groundwater plan and other documents. Reuse as much geologic and groundwater <br />information as possible from the current GLWMO plan. <br />5.1.2 Discuss city wellhead protection areas, if applicable. <br />5.1.3 Develop goals, policies and implementation activities pertaining to groundwater <br />resources. <br />5.2 Climate-Characterize the climate of the watershed and the relationship to issues of <br />importance. Reuse information from the current GLWMO plan. <br />5.3 Topographv and Soils <br />5.3.1 Develog maps showing general soil types, steep slopes, existing/potential erosion areas <br />and topography. Reuse information from the current GL9~0 plan. <br />5.3.2 Develop goals, policies and implementation activities pertaining to soils. <br />5.4 Parks recreation fish and wildlife <br />5.4.1 Inventory park resources. GLWMO to provide ArcView files; minimal editing to be done <br />by Barr. <br />
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