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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />June 27, 2001 <br />Page Five <br />Marybeth Block distributed for board members' information, the board policy regarding <br />local water plan extensions, as endorsed by the Board at the December 15, 1999 <br />meeting. Doug Thomas gave additional background information on the comprehensive <br />local water planning process. <br />Cass County Request for Comprehensive Local Water Plan Extension -Moved by <br />** Jerome Deal, seconded by Darrell Bruggman, to approve the Cass County Request for <br />01-44 Comprehensive Local Water Plan Extension to May 2002. This is a unique plan <br />integrating the land use plan and the comprehensive focal water plan, in addition, a <br />consultant has been hired to provide leadership training. Motion passed on a voice <br />vote. <br />Lincoln County Request and Yellow Medicine County Request for Comprehensive Local <br />Water Plan Extensions -date change needed in the Findings of Fact on both Orders. <br />** Moved by Ginny Imholte, seconded by Dwain Otte, to approve the Lincoln County and <br />01-45 Yellow Medicine County Requests for Comprehensive Local Water Plan extensions to <br />March 26, 2004. Discussion followed. Staff continue to coordinate the workload issues <br />of the plans. The signature date will be added to the Orders as well as the location <br />changed from St. Paul to Morton. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />Chair Coe called for a break in the meeting at 10:30 a.m. The meeting reconvened at <br />10:45 a.m. <br />Committee Recommendations <br />FY02 SWCD Grants -Wayne Zellmer distributed an updated version of the proposed <br />FY02 grants to SWCDs. Wayne briefly explained the applications and allocations. <br />Wayne stated that pending legislative approval of the Feedlot Water Quality <br />Management and General Services Grant appropriation increases, the Cost-Share <br />** Committee recommends approval of allocations as submitted. Moved by Ginny Imholte, <br />o1-4s seconded by Dwain Otte, to approve the FY02 SWCD Grant allocations. Discussion <br />followed. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />** Moved by Jack Frost, seconded by Char Kahler, as part of the approval of the grant <br />01-4 allocations, a periodic follow-up report be developed summarizing the operation <br />maintenance, information/technology transfer, and evaluation of these good innovative <br />projects. Paul Krabbenhoft suggests a two year follow-up report due to implementation, <br />a summary done by BWSR Cost-Share Committee a year later, which will be on the <br />BWSR website, of outcome based projects. Also, use a digital camera showing before <br />and after pictures as a way to let the legislature know what's being done around the <br />state. Chair Coe asked Dwain Otte, on behalf of the Cost-Share Committee, to develop <br />a year-end reportJsummary. Motion passed. on a voice vote. <br />