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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />September 26, 2001 <br />Page Six <br />Old Business <br />2002 Farm Bill Position Statement -Doug Thomas thanked MDA and DNR for their <br />comments. Doug asked for questions and/or comments from board members. <br />Discussion followed regarding BWSR's policy consistency and legislative intent relating <br />to two bulleted items that pertain to EQIP eligibility. Moved by Jim Anderson, seconded <br />by Paul Krabbenhoft, to refer this issue back to the committee. Jim Anderson asked for <br />clarification on the commodity approach for blufflands and CRP community tax-based. <br />Jim would like it conveyed what we really want. Wayne would like to see some urgency <br />on this as HF2646 may be up next week in the House. The two bulleted items under <br />EQIP were e{iminated. The Safe Harbor Program. was revised to read, "Minnesota <br />supports a safe harbor program within the farm bill. If farmers follow a conservation <br />plan prepared by USDA/NRCS or its authorized agent, they should be provided some <br />protection against being held liable in the future, by another government entity, for <br />unexpected or unanticipated environmental problems resulting from the implementation <br />of the conservation plan." Discussion followed. The original motion was amended by <br />** Jim Anderson, seconded by Paul Krabbenhoft, that the committee meet to review the <br />o~-ss BWSR's position statement on conservation provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill - to clarify <br />policy consistency and legislative intent of EQIP eligibility; and to include the Safe <br />Harbor Program revision, clarification of the Upper Mississippi River Blufflands Pilot <br />Project, and clarification of CRP. Motion passed on a voice vote. Chair Coe thanked <br />everyone for their work on this. Doug Thomas was commended for his efforts on the <br />BWSR's position statement. <br />New Business <br />Order Public Hearing in City of Wyoming Petition for Withdrawal of Territory from <br />Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District -Jim Haertel reported that BWSR has <br />proper jurisdiction in the matter of ordering a watershed district withdrawal of territory <br />** public hearing. Moved by JoAnn Coover, seconded by Jerome Deal, that the Board <br />o~-ss hereby orders that the public hearing on the Petition for Withdrawn( of Territory in the <br />Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District be heard by the Metropolitan Water <br />Planning Subcommittee on November 13, 2001, at the City of Wyoming City Hall, in <br />Wyoming, Minnesota. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />Thirty Lakes Watershed District Boundary Change -Jim Haertel reported that staff <br />** recommends approval of the boundary change. Moved by Jerome Deal, seconded by <br />0~-7o Dwain Otte, that the Board hereby orders that the Thirty Lakes Watershed District <br />boundary is changed to include the portion of the Brainerd International Raceway that is <br />not already in the watershed district. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br /> <br />