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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />September 26, 2001 <br />Page Eight <br />** <br />01-72 <br />** <br />01-73 <br />CREP Grants to SWCDs -Kevin Lines presented the SWCD CREP staffing grants <br />which would cover special staffing to further the implementation of CREP. Four <br />SWCDs would receive a combined total of $41,500 for implementation of CREP <br />beginning July 1, 2001 to June 20, 2002. Kevin presented the CREP Specialist <br />Administrative Grant that staff recommend be provided to 19 SWCDs to support <br />BWSR CREP specialist positions located in their SWCD office. This grant is for a total <br />of $76,000 ($4,000 to each SWCD office), and would be awarded upfront rather than as <br />a reimbursement. This grant would cover CREP expenses (office space, copying, and <br />misc.) from July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002. Kevin presented the third grant for the 14 <br />SWCD CREP technicians. Staff recommend that the SWCD CREP technicians grant <br />recently received from BWSR be amended to achieve a total of $36,000 per SWCD, <br />grand total of $509,000 This grant amount more accurately reflects the actual costs <br />needed to support a CREP technician employed at the district office. It's also the intent <br />that this supplemental grant be used to compensate the CREP staff from July 1, 2001 <br />to June 30, 2002. Moved by Jerome Deal, seconded by Victor Ormsby, to approve the <br />SWCD CREP Staffing Grant allocation of $41,500; the CREP Specialist Administrative <br />Grant allocation of $76,000; and the CREP Technician Grant allocation of $509,000. <br />Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />Process for Removal of SWCD Supervisor -Jim Birkholz presented information and five <br />recommendations: 1) Amend existing statute -modernize and standardize; 2) Who <br />may petition; 3) Qualifying petitions; 4) Cost considerations; and 5) Office of <br />Administrative Hearings. Discussion followed. Jim stated that these interim procedures <br />will be in place; any additional information from the Attorney General's office will be <br />incorporated. Jim stated that this process for removal of SWCD supervisor will be <br />presented to the 2002 legislature as a legislative initiatitive. Moved by Darrell <br />Bruggman, seconded by Jerome Deal, to move forward on the five recommendations <br />as presented. This process for removal of SWCD Supervisors will be submitted as a <br />legislative initiative. for 2002. Motion passed on a voice vote. Chair Coe thanked Jim for <br />his work and efforts on this project. <br />Legislative Initiatives -Doug Thomas reported that the deadline for submitting technical <br />and housekeeping preliminary proposals for legislative initiatives was September 21. <br />BWSR submitted four legislative initiatives to Minnesota Planning: 1) Water Planning <br />Tax Levy Authority; 2) Clarifications to 1036.101; 3) Water Planning Statutes <br />Unification; and 4) Modernize and Standardize SWCD Statutes regarding Removal of <br />Elected Supervisor and Discontinuance of SWCDs. <br /> <br />