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Grass Lake WMO
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4/15/2010 11:56:50 AM
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4/14/2010 3:27:53 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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5. PROJECT STATUS REPORTS <br />Beltline Outlet Structure Improvements <br />Brad Lindaman stated that the contractor is on schedule and should meet the contract deadline for <br />substantial completion. The Board packet report discusses two issues that may require some additional <br />staff attention: (1) sediment removal issues resulting from dewatering pump discharges into wetland, <br />and. (2) concerns expressed by the contractor relating to soils information that may conflict with what <br />was encountered on the site. <br />CIP Maintenance/Repairs 2002 <br />Brad distributed a tabulation of five bids received at today's bid opening. Jay Bros. is the apparent low <br />bidder at $332,701.75; however, Line 1.04F, Site 2F, of the bid form was left blank. Tracey Galowitz <br />advised the Board that the District has the option to reject nonconforming bids. The Board can also <br />chose not to reject the bid and instead add a clause to the agreement with the contractor, in which the <br />parties acknowledge that in order for this to be a conformingPbid, blank items shall be deemed a zero <br />unit price. Brad also stated that the omission is not considered an unbalanced bid. <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved; Jack Frost seconded, to accept the apparent low bid of $332,701.75 as <br />submitted by Jay Bros, Inc., for the CIP MaintenancelRepair 2002 project, with the express stipulation <br />that if Jay Bros. does not honor Line Item 1.04F, Site 2F, as a zero unit price, then the Board will accept <br />the second lowest bid of $347,353 as submitted by F. F. Jedlicki. Motion carried. <br />Tanners Lake Alum System Water Quality Monitoring <br />Staff is working on a draft work scope, schedule, and budget for the follow-up evaluation program, <br />which is also a requirement for renewal of the District's MPCA permit. Pam Skinner expressed her <br />interest in collecting new downstream biomonitoring data as part of this follow up study, using the same <br />methodology as was used for the initial study. Cliff Aichinger stated that biomonitoring is not one of <br />the follow-up study requirements; however, Bill Bartodziej has chosen this site to add to his own <br />biomonitoring program for this year. <br />6. PRESENTATION BY ERIN ANDERSON- = PALEN CHAIN OF LAKES SLMP SCOPE <br />AND SCHEDULE <br />Erin Anderson discussed the highlights of her 12/27/01 memo, which describes the three-year scope of <br />the Phalen Chain of Lakes Modeling Update Project. Major goals include (1) the update of water <br />quality models, (2) the creation of management plans for each lake, and (3) providing a tool to evaluate <br />future nutrient loads. Tasks are broken down as follows: <br />Task 1, Conduct Field Survey of All Ponds and Wetland Areas within Each Lake's Subwatershed: <br />Data collection tasks are discussed by Rob Langer in further detail below. <br />Task 2, Pond Data Analysis/Formatting: Create and calibrate models of each lake's watershed. <br />Task 3, Conduct Inflow Data Collection Programs for Each Lake: Create and calibrate in-lake <br />models. <br />Task 4, Conduct In-Lake Water Quality Data Collection Program for Each Lake: Use the models to <br />evaluate the lake and its watershed. Recommended sampling frequency is 10 times, compared to 7 <br />times a year as normally done by Ramsey County. <br />Task 5, Conduct Precipitation Data Collection. <br />Task 6, Conduct Lake Level Data Collection. <br />Task 7, Aquatic Plant and Shoreline Condition Survey.. <br />Task 8, P8 Modeling of Each Lake's Subwatershed. <br />Task 9, Calibration of the P8 Models. <br />Task 10, In-Lake Modeling of Each Lake's Water Quality. <br />Page 2 January 2, 2002 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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