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Grass Lake WMO
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4/15/2010 11:56:50 AM
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4/14/2010 3:27:53 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Task ll, Evaluation of the Performance of Existing CIPs in each Lake's Subwatershed. Various <br />CIP projects have been recommended, and only some of them have actually been constructed. The <br />performance of those projects actually constructed needs to be evaluated,. is_ also time for <br />models to reflect existing conditions based on new, construction. <br />_. , <br />Task I2; Evaluation of the Performance of Future CIPs in Each Lake's Subwatershed. <br />Task 13, Preparation of Draft Report. <br />Rob Langer reviewed the data collection activities associated with Task l: <br />® Several hundred wetlands were considered, and the number was narrowed down to 120 for this <br />study. District staff are currently surveying the perimeter of each wetland to help determine storage <br />volume for that wetland, conducting a survey of pond pipes and their condition, and surveying pond <br />depth. All this information is downloaded into the District's GIS system. The use of GPS <br />equipment in the field has saved staff a tremendous amount of time and has resulted in more <br />accurate data. <br />o Samplers will monitor inflow from the following six drainage areas that_contribute significant <br />volume to the chain: Arcade Street Diversion Structure, Kohlman Basin, North Keller / Hwy 36, <br />North Phalen / Larpenteur, South Gervais, and Gervais Creek. <br />® Lake level monitoring will calculate the amount of water inflow and measure how each lake <br />responds to different rain events. <br />® The District's work plan will be presented to Ramsey County, and they will be asked to support our <br />study with an accelerated lake monitoring program in order to collect more information than they <br />have in past years. This year, samples will also be checked for total and dissolved carbons. Ramsey <br />County's contribution would be a donation of time, and the District's budget will cover the costs of <br />the additional support we are asking for. <br />Erin stated that the pond survey data will be the most important aspect to the updatin of the P8 <br />watershed model, which will identify overall TSS and TP loads that.. each wetland; or pond_is <br />contributing to the lake. <br />The draft report in Task 13 will summarize methodology, and present results, conclusions, and <br />recommendations for both the lake and its watershed. Cliff pointed out that the last diagnostic study was <br />done in the 1970s using the quality of models and data that were available at that time. A lot of <br />assumptions were made because calibration was not being done at the time.. The goals set forth in the <br />Watershed Management Plan call for more improvement in the lakes than currently exists, so we need to <br />know whether or not those goals are reasonable.. <br />Brad pointed out that any cost estimates provided in the memo relate only to Barr Engineering's portion <br />of the tasks, which is not a reflection of total project costs. Cliff added that the total project costs to the <br />District were spread over a 3-year period, budgeting about $100,000.for 2002, $100,000 for 2003, and <br />$50,000 for 2004. <br />Cliff noted that this project will require more public involvement effort due to the large number of <br />residents on and around this chain of lakes. The District will seek feedback from residents to determine <br />goals for the lake. In addition, two of the four lakes in this chain are on the TMDL list, so this study will <br />help the District respond to that future issue. <br />Roger suggested that Board members review the memo within the next three weeks and direct questions <br />to Brad. <br />Page 3 January 2, 2002 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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