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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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4/15/2010 11:56:50 AM
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4/14/2010 3:27:53 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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7. ADMINISTRATORS REPORT <br />Recommended Change in Erosion & Sediment Control Guidance Document <br />The District grading permit application currently requires that all erosion and sediment control plans <br />conform to the Ramsey County Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (Ramsey County Handbook). <br />This requirement. is not a District rule, but a guideline in the Watershed Management Plan. Staff would <br />like to incorporate the concepts contained in the newly released Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP <br />Manual into the District's permit application and review process. They feel that the manual includes <br />several BMPs that would be valuable for developers and designers to consider incorporating into their <br />project plans. Staff has reviewed both the BMP Manual and the Ramsey County Handbook and <br />recommends that the Board approve the use of the BMP Manual as the primary guidance document for <br />BMP selection and design for District permit applications. It is further recommended that the Ramsey <br />County Handbook be used as a technical reference for elements not covered by the BMP Manual. If <br />approved, the District permit packet materials and the District Watershed Management Plan would be <br />modified to support this change. _ <br />Motion: Jack Frost moved, Pam Skinner seconded, to accept staff recommendations and authorize the <br />use of the Minnesota Urban: Small Sites BMP Manual as the primary guidance document far BMP <br />selection and design for District permit applications. Motion carried. <br />Barr Engineering Monthly Invoice Audit <br />HLB Taut eg_s Redpath Audit of Barr En ineering Invoices <br />Pursuant to Board action on 11/O1/00 to change the audit process from quarterly to annually, the <br />December 19, 2001, report from HLB Tautges Redpath finds no inconsistencies and finds that <br />information was accurately reported and appropriately invoiced to the District far the random audit <br />conducted. <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Jack Frost seconded, to accept the internal annual audit performed by <br />HLB Tautges Redpath on Barr Engineering invoices. Motion carried. <br />LMCIT Insurance Coverage for 2002 <br />The Board was briefed on recent insurance issues that require Board action. Staff has'requested rates for <br />reduced deductible limits. The Board agreed to continue its present policy to not waive the statutory <br />liability insurance limits. <br />8. TREASURERS REPORT AND BILL LIST <br />Motion: Roger Lake moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to approve the Bill List anal also the Supplemental <br />Bill List for January 2, 2002. Motion carried. <br />9. SPECIAL ORDERS <br />Well Sealing Resolution. No. 02-01 <br />Motion: Jack Frost moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 02-O1 to approve cost share <br />funding for six well sealing program applications. Motion carried. <br />10. ADJOU NT <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, seconded by Pam Skinner, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, <br />and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />Robert Johnson, Secretary <br />Page 4 January 2, 2002 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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