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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/15/2010 11:56:50 AM
Creation date
4/14/2010 3:27:53 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Permit 02-11; Wooddale Business Center - Woodbury <br />The applicant submitted a mitigation plan to fi110.34 acres of a Utilize category wetland and 0.28 acres <br />of a Manage 2 wetland. The applicant will replace 0.70 acres of wetland and also purchase 1.76 acres of <br />public value credit. Staff has reviewed additional information provided by the applicant to address <br />concerns that the location of the retaining wall does not meet the District 10-foot setback requirement. <br />Staff now recommends approval of the mitigation plan and granting of a variance to allow the retaining <br />wall to be built 5 feet north of Wetland 2B and silt fence to be installed 3 feet north of Wetland 2B. <br />Motion: Bab Johnson moved, Jack Frost seconded, to approve Permit #02-1 I and the associated <br />mitigation plan, and to grant a wetland buffer variance that allows for the construction of a retaining <br />wall 5 feet north of Wetland 2B and the installation of silt fence 3 feet north of Wetland 2B. Motion <br />carried. <br />Pam Skinner expressed concern for the marked increase in wetland exemption requests. Karl Hammers <br />stated that negotiations with the applicant resulted in a site-plan that avoided impact to higher quality <br />wetlands, which was a priority issue for staff. Discussion turned to related topics, including WCA <br />exemption factors and developer rights-vs-responsibility. Cliff Aichinger noted that the next"regional <br />blueprint" will incorporate natural resource and water issues to guide the development of planning and <br />zoning processes in our communities. <br />Relative to the few undeveloped parcels remaining in the District, Pam also wanted to know what could <br />be done to encourage city policymakers to re-evaluate land uses and to consider preserving areas as <br />wildlife corridors and greenways. Cliff cited the District's June 1999 Greenways and Natural Areas <br />Report & Vegetative Cover Inventory, which was an attempt to encourage cities to consider corridor <br />protection. He also cited the efforts of the Natural Resources Board to identify the remaining Iarger <br />parcels in the District and their attempts to encourage the landowners to work around the property's <br />unique features in the event that it is developed. Progress is being made with the developers of the <br />Maple farm in southern Woodbury on the development of a concept plan. <br />Monthly Enforcement Report <br />No violations were issued during February. <br />WCA enforcement activities continue on the two properties located at the junction of Edgerton Road <br />and Ripley Avenue in Maplewood. Staff has taken into consideration other agency comments and <br />submitted recommendations on how to resolve the matter, now that the City of Maplewood has decided <br />not to pursue a drainage easement. No objections were voiced to the course of action, so staff will <br />notify both property owners of their options to either remove the fill, create wetland replacement at a <br />ratio of 4:1, or purchase wetland banking credits. <br />5. PROJECT STATUS REPORTS <br />CIP Maintenance/Repairs 2002 <br />Brad Lindaman reported that the Notice to Proceed was issued on March 1, and the contractor <br />completed half of the Battle Creek channel cleaning by the end of their first day. Smooth grading to <br />reshape the banks cannot be done until the frost is out of the ground. <br />Battle Creek Tunnel Inspection: Due to the amount of flow that is still in the pipe, Brad reported that it <br />is not safe to proceed at this time.. Since this is a routine task and there is no reason to believe that a <br />problem exists, he recommended that the District hold off until January 2003 to complete this task. <br />Motion:. Moved by Roger Lake, seconded by Bob Johnson, to remove Site 12, Battle Creek Energy <br />Dissipater Pumpout/Staff Inspection, from the 2002 CIP Maintenance/Repairs contract. Motion carried:. <br />Beltline Outlet Structure Improvements <br />Brad summarized the Barr Engineering memo dated February 27 in response to Lametti's claim for <br />extra compensation related to the transition structure. There are several clauses in the contract that <br />Page 2 March 6, 2002 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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