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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 2:18:46 PM
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4/16/2010 2:03:50 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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GLWMO MEETING MINUTES -JULY 26, 2007 <br />C Bills <br />3 <br />DeZellar noted that the total amount shown for bill payment is actually five different <br />bills, which should be itemized. In comparing the Barr invoice to the scope of work <br />presented last fall, charges are within the project proposal, except for the Lake User <br />Survey, which added a meeting with stakeholders to collect input on the lake user survey <br />and the on-line survey that was developed in addition to the mailed survey. <br />Root referred to the invoice for the Lake Owasso study from March 24 to April 20. He <br />asked if there is a map showing inflow locations. Aichinger responded that it is the <br />responsibility of each city to map and demonstrate outflow locations. <br />Mogg asked if outflows were incorporated into the mode] for the study. Aichinger stated <br />that any significant flows would be measured with :its location. ~.- ~.- .~--~~. v ,; a u,~c~.-~ <br />Eckman stated that it would be good to know ~~ Ii,<< the core samples showed.: Aichinger <br />stated that he would get that information ~fron~ I~u ~ Tugineering. <br />Root noted the memo dated July_19, 2007, stating that cost overruns can be compensated <br />by other project efficiencies on lake;sediment, core selection, and analysis. <br />Root moved to pay the five listed bii l ~ t~ ~i alirla $80,915. Mog~T seconded. <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0. <br />D. Other Business <br />D-1 Ilepa~o-t t':~d•d Discussion <br />Board member nvh~1 Tai r1~e ~l.~ia on the Grass Lake website page shows <br />information from 2004. This needs to be updated listing newly appointed Board <br />Member Rool, as ~~ ell as current report card information. DeZellar will contact <br />Mark Maluiey;: <br />`\~~~~\ <br />Aichinger noted~that the 2006 Report Card does not include 2005 data. Data from <br />205 is needee~ establish continuity. This data gap should be acknowledged in <br />~~~~~> <br />the public rec~ ord. A new Report Card format could occur next year that shows <br />what was done in the past year. This would provide an orientation for a work <br />program for the upcoming year. He would like to see a reference to incorporate an <br />annual SWPPP Report as part of the MS4 permit. <br />DeZellar stated that the report card should show a clearer distinction between <br />what is mandated and what is discretionary action. <br />Root added that a couple paragraphs of explanation are needed to explain why <br />items listed did not get done. <br />
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