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City of Roseville - Housing & Redevelopment Authority Meeting Minutes for July 20, 20...Page 5 of 7 <br />Member Kelsey commented that the marketing budget may help support policy #4. Member <br />Bean noted that there should be annual focus on actions supported by budget funds and where <br />possible to team up with other Commissions and housing groups. Chair Majerus noted that the <br />HRA should coordinate and collaborate with others wherever possible. Member Kelsey also <br />commented that the HRA should review the budget and policy to see that they are coordinated. <br />Member Bean asked that staff see that invitations to other commissions and agencies <br />particularly the school districts be sent for comment on the study prior to adoption. <br /> <br />b) Consideration of Endorsement for Ramsey County Endowment Fund <br />. <br /> <br />Executive Director Bennett discussed the request for consideration of endorsement for the <br />Ramsey County Endowment Fund and indicated the program dollars were directed specifically <br />for the construction of new rental housing for the benefit of those at the lowest incomes – 30%- <br />50% of median income. The endowment has provided over $6m since 2000 for affordable new <br />rental housing. <br /> <br />Member Kelsey explained the MICAH’s request for endorsement of the Endowment came to her <br />and she asked that is be put on the agenda for consideration. <br /> <br />Member Hermes expressed support and felt positive that outside agencies are recognizing the <br />HRA and asking for their endorsement. <br /> <br />Motion: Member Hermes moved, seconded by Member Millasovich, to authorize the HRA <br />staff to send a letter to the Ramsey County HRA Board encouraging them to designate <br />funding for the Ramsey County Housing Endowment Fund. <br /> <br /> <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried <br /> <br />c) Consideration of Application for use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />Restricted Funds. (HF0023). <br /> <br /> <br />Executive Director Bennett introduced two possible new programs, application guidelines and <br />procedures for the HRA’s consideration and use of the CDBG dollars which are restricted for use <br />for housing projects where there will be a direct benefit to those with incomes at or below 80% of <br />median incomes. She indicated that discussions had taken place preferring a focus around the <br />use of the funds for rental rehabilitation. <br /> <br />Bennett introduced the two specific programs: 1) Rental Rehabilitation Program, and 2) Access <br />Improvement Program. <br /> <br />1) <br />Rental Rehabilitation Program – The goal of the rental rehab program is to assist landlords <br />who rent to low to moderate income tenants to make necessary improvements to their properties <br />without increasing the rents which tend to displace residents. The program would provide up to <br />50% of the cost of needed repairs in the form of a grant not to exceed $10,000. For request over <br />$10,000, the first $10,000 would be a grant and amounts over $10,000 would be structured as a <br />loan. The structure of the program would be to require that over 50% of the tenants meet the <br />income criteria and that the rents can not exceed the annual Fair Market Rent Limits. For the <br />grant funds a match is required (but does not require the filing of a lien on the mortgage unlike a <br />loan). The grant is paid after the improvements have been completed and signed lien waivers <br />have been collected (much like a rebate). The property owner would be required to sign an <br />annual (for 5 years) affidavit certifying that at least 50% of the rents are below the Fair Market <br />Rent limit. If within the first five years the rents increase above that limit, the grant will be <br />required to be paid back. (Staff is still researching with the HRC, County and HRA attorney what <br />appropriate document would be used to mandate this). A program summary and application was <br />prepared for HRA review. <br /> <br />2) <br /> Access Improvement Program – Bennett mentioned that over the years, staff has experienced <br />increased calls regarding handicap accessibility improvements in both rental and single family <br />properties. This is naturally a result of the aging population in Roseville and their desire to stay <br /> <br /> <br />