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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Roe noted that tonight's discussion had enlightened his under- <br />standing of this specific property and other issues at the property, including ani- <br />mal control, unpaid utility bills, no rental registration of the property, and no snow <br />shoveling during the winter; opining that the garbage issue appeared to be a <br />symptom of a larger issue, and in order to consider all segments of the larger is- <br />sue, it was key to track down the property owner. <br />Klausing moved, Johnson seconded, directing staff to abate the above-referenced <br />public nuisance violations of City Code at 1748 Galtier Street by hiring general <br />contractors to remove garbage stored in bags but not in a trash receptacle; as de- <br />tailed in the RCA dated April 26, 2010, at an estimated cost of approximately <br />$250.00; and further directing that the property owner be billed for all actual and <br />administrative costs; and if those charges remain unpaid, staff is to recover costs <br />as specified in Minnesota Statute, Section 407.07B; with costs to be reported to <br />the City Council following the abatement. <br />Staff was further directed to further research the current address of the property <br />owner, and to return to the City Council for authorization of further action if <br />needed. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan; Johnson; Roe; Pust; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />e. Adopt a Resolution Approving a Policy for Reviewing and Approving Solar <br />Energy Systems in Roseville <br />Two bench handouts were distributed related to this item, consisting of an e-mail <br />from Susan Weum and staff response to that a-mail; and revised draft resolution <br />entitled, "A Resolution Establishing a Policy for Review and Approval of Resi- <br />dential Solar Energy Systems;" resulting from comments with that property own- <br />er. <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke summarized the RCA dated April 26, 2010 and the <br />model ordinance drafted from a MPCA template as a starting point for the City in <br />reviewing these requests. <br />Discussion included aesthetic versus technical structural analysis or industry stan- <br />dards for clearances; general Council support of use of solar energy, while recog- <br />nizing and anticipating any unintended consequences; existing solar units in- <br />stalled to-date through permit or without permit and how they comply with this <br />proposed policy; implications for the City's zoning ordinance rewrite; considera- <br />tions for such requests from a Building Permit and/or land use reference; and this <br />policy serving as an interim solution. <br />Public Comment <br />Susan Weum, 1176 Skillman Avenue W <br />