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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 26, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />Ms. Weum thanked the City Council for their consideration of this request; and <br />expressed pride in the City's other environmental and energy sustainable projects <br />and solutions. <br />Mr. Aaron previous speaker) <br />Mr. Aaron noted that this was a critical issue, and also thanked Mayor Klausing <br />and the City Council for their support of the Mayor's Climate resolution and en- <br />couraged that Roseville continue to be a leader and part of the solution. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized staff's research and recommendation for such in- <br />itiates; and noted the other sustainable initiatives such as the storm water man- <br />agement at the Twin Lakes redevelopment, as well as geothermal system at the <br />OVAL, and staff's initiation and recommendation of those projects. <br />Page 13, line 15: I suggest removing the reference to "(undocumented <br />solar house)" as being unnecessary. Is it really undocumented, which has <br />a very negative and illicit connotation, or just approved administratively <br />when built? <br />Dale Howe, 919 Parker <br />Mr. Howe advised that his existing solar system had been installed in 2005 on the <br />home constructed in 2000, looking to maximize the efficiency of the system and <br />addressing the aesthetics of the home; submission of engineering documents to <br />staff, as well as pulling plumbing and electrical permits. Mr. Howe recognized <br />development of a new process; and the proposed angles above the roofline. Mr. <br />Howe cautioned that aesthetics were not the driving force for such installation, <br />but how to achieve maximum effectiveness and functionality, in addition to ad- <br />dressing wind shear via engineering expertise; and expressed his willingness for <br />review of his existing system. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that residents had pulled permits, and that it was a gap in <br />the City's system that a solar policy was not in place as part of the review process <br />until now. <br />Cynthia White, Churchill Street <br />Ms. White addressed the improved technologies for use of solar power since she <br />first built a passive solar room onto her home in 1980, and the increased learning <br />available since that time. <br />Rebecca Lundberg, solar installer who submitted permit <br />Ms. Lundberg provided educational information related to this issue to achieve <br />optimal performance and/or to meet minimum allowances for financial rebate <br />from the State of MN, based on engineering and structural engineering rather than <br />industry standards. At the request of Councilmember Ihlan, Ms. Lundberg out- <br />