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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/18/2010 1:40:44 PM
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5/18/2010 1:40:40 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Two bench handouts were distributed related to this item: an amended draft reso- <br />lution entitled, "Resolution Approving Agreement Amendment for the Design of <br />Twin Lakes AUAR Subarea 1 Infrastructure Improvements;" and Consultant Ser- <br />vices Agreement Amendment between the City of Roseville and Consultant WSB <br />and Associates, at the recommendation of the City Attorney in consultation with <br />staff. <br />Ms. Bloom briefly summarized the original scope of the contract for work per- <br />formed by WSB and Associates; changes to the plan with break-out of separate <br />phases and bidding packages; alternate bid items; and federal funding requiring <br />additional cost for redesign of portions of the project. Ms. Bloom noted the addi- <br />tional work of the consultant included schedule changes; budget track- <br />ing/invoicing; additional design review meetings; design of biofiltration beds and <br />lift station for Phase III; miscellaneous plan sheets; and a second set of contract <br />documents prepared. Ms. Bloom advised that the deliverables would include final <br />plans for Phases 1 and II and preliminary plans for Phase III. <br />Discussion included comparisons of the action proposed in the RCA and those <br />bench handouts, with staff advising that the action remained the same but was on- <br />ly presented in more formal documentation, with Attachment A still detailing the <br />original scope of services; clarification of cost allocations for those additional <br />costs and paid back to the City through the AUAR; use of and reimbursement of <br />tax increment financing (TIF) funds; and distribution of any excess TIF funds to <br />taxing jurisdictions when the district is closed out in 25 years, and originally es- <br />tablished in 2006. <br />City Attorney Mark Gaughan clarified that, sine the original agreement was ap- <br />proved by resolution, it would be appropriate for this significant amendment to be <br />approved in similar fashion. <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought clarification as to how much of the $143,131 was at- <br />tributable to Phase III yet to be authorized. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that there would be approximately $20,000 of the total <br />amount attributable to Phase III, specifically for the lift station and plan sheets. <br />Klausing moved, Johnson seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10805 entitled, <br />"Resolution Approving Agreement Amendment for the Design of Twin Lakes <br />AUAR Subarea 1 Infrastructure Improvements;" and Consultant Services Agree- <br />ment Amendment between the City of Roseville and Consultant WSB and Asso- <br />ciates in an amount not to exceed $143,131. <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her support of Phases I and II for future reim- <br />bursement by developers; however, she spoke in opposition to including any au- <br />thorization for expenses for Phase III at this time. <br />
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