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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 10, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />• <br />Joint Meeting with Planning Commission <br />Mayor Klausing apologized for the delay in tonight's meeting and thanked Plan- <br />ning Commission Chair Doherty and Commissioners John Gisselquist and Joe <br />Wozniak for their patience. <br />Councilmember Roe requested the perspective of Planning Commissioners on <br />their role in the Master Plan reviews related to the Comprehensive Plan process, <br />an item also on tonight's agenda. <br />Chair. Doherty opined that, since the Commission had been involved in the past, <br />he felt it was their role to continue having a role to provide their expertise. <br />Commissioners Gisselquist and Wozniak concurred, opining that it was an appro- <br />priate use of Planning Commission time. <br />Mayor Klausing commended the Planning Commission for their proficiency in <br />hearing difficult issues and their consideration of all sides of a land use issue, and <br />their respect of the process and in listening to public comment as they made rec- <br />ommendations to the City Council. <br />Councilmember Johnson echoed Mayor Klausing's remarks and expressed ap- <br />preciation for Commissioner expertise; and asked for Commissioner comment on <br />the zoning code rewrite process to-date. <br />Chair Doherty noted the major public hearings and discussion coming before the <br />Commission in the next few months related to that issue, and expressed his per- <br />sonal appreciation to individual Commissioners for their detailed review of mate- <br />rials and preparation prior to meetings, noting the diversity of the group and their <br />varying opinions and agreeing to respectfully disagree on some issues when mak- <br />ing arecommendation to the City Council <br />Chair Doherty noted the expression by individual Commissioners related to their <br />rationale behind decisions and recommendations. <br />Commissioner Wozniak noted that this was in response to comments from the <br />City Council and Planning Commission at last year's joint meeting, to provide <br />more of a sense of what went into the decision-making process at the Planning <br />Commission level. <br />Mayor Klausing and Councilmember Johnson expressed their appreciation in <br />knowing that rationale as the Council considered their own decision-making. <br />• Chair Doherty noted inclusion of that discussion in the meeting minute detail pro- <br />viding the depth of that thought process. <br />