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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 9 <br />peated phone and written communication efforts of staff with the Holiday Inn Ex- <br />press hotel management. Mr. Miller opined that staff had exhausted diplomatic <br />efforts, and upon discussion with the City Attorney, authorization was sought to <br />proceed through the legal system to achieve compliance with City Code. <br />Mr. Miller reviewed subsequent conversations with Julie Larson, Executive Di- <br />rector of the Roseville Visitor's Association (RVA) and her review with peer or- <br />ganizations in their recourse to withhold future marketing efforts by the RVA on <br />behalf of that business. <br />Discussion included potential reimbursement by the RVA to the City for legal ex- <br />pense reimbursement since the tax directly benefits the hotel and RVA, with Mr. <br />Miller clarifying that this was a City tax; need to recognize this as a City tax and <br />options for assessing the delinquent tax against the property, with City Attorney <br />Bartholdi advising that current Statute does not allow sanctions through Chapter <br />429.101 assessments, only through criminal sanctions or civil recourse. <br />Further discussion included the need for options to enforce payment and lack of <br />interest in setting a precedent for any resident disgruntled with a tax to take action <br />to avoid payment; potential legislation requested of the City's legislative delega- <br />tion to allow liens being applied in this type of situation, similar to property and <br />utility bill delinquencies; preference not to penalize other RVA participants who <br />comply and pay their lodging taxes by suggesting they accommodate a business <br />not paying; and options to shift the costs to the responsible person causing the ex- <br />penditure (e.g. legal costs). <br />Additional discussion included application by staff of interest and late fee penal- <br />ties; partial payment recently received of back lodging taxes by the business, with <br />a substantial remaining balance, with all payments consistently received after the <br />deadline; need to continue compounding interest and late fees; and whether the <br />business is otherwise stressed with property taxes and other items delinquent. <br />Councilmember Roe expressed an interest in additional information from staff on <br />the current total due, including interest accruing. <br />As a body, Councilmembers were not supportive of making a determination for <br />pursuing the RVA suggestion to back off on referrals to that hotel; with Council- <br />member Pust noted that such a decision would be up to the RVA Board, not the <br />City Council. <br />Mr. Miller concurred; however, suggested that the RVA Board would welcome <br />the City Council's endorsement of such action if deemed appropriate by the City <br />Council. <br />