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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 8 <br />4 provided sufficient definition of conduct without potentially applying <br />violations of City Code not intended to be addressed under this ordinance; <br />or whether references to other City Code sections needed to be more spe- <br />cific. <br />Staff noted the intent, but the need for further consideration in being clear <br />with the language provisions. <br />Related to the Right to Appeal, Councilmember Roe requested that staff make <br />that appeal process parallel with City Code and State Statute language already in <br />place. <br />Councilmember Roe also suggested language revision as to who was "liable" for <br />fees imposed. <br />Additional changes reviewed with Council concurrence included: <br />^ Lines 44-47, revise to read: <br />"For purposes of this Chapter, the term "nuisance conduct" means any ac- <br />tivity, conduct or condition occumng within the City that ~rrr~euse~t~y <br />annoys, injures or endangers the [reasonable) safety, health, morals, com- <br />fort of repose of any member of the public, or will tend to alarm, anger or <br />disturb others. Nuisance conduct includes but is not limited te-s-~es~e~rse <br />to the following:" <br />^ Lines 49 - 56 <br />Item 1 -change "deemed" to "defined" <br />Item 4 -change "stated" to "defined" <br />^ Lines 79-80, Item 4: Add sentence to read: "Service is complete upon <br />mailing." <br />^ Line 86: correct "persons" to "person's" <br />^ Line 102-104: delete redundancies of "(or his or her designee)" <br />^ Line 108, include mailing of billing statement [by certified mail) <br />Line 146: consistently define who "City officials" are; refer back to "En- <br />forcement Officials" <br />^ Line 147: correct to read: "...may be waived against [aJ property owner <br />who has:..." <br />^ .Line 156: clarify fees waived against a property owner or occupant <br />Staff expressed appreciation for Council comments and advised those comments <br />and further clarifications would be reviewed for incorporation in the next ordin- <br />ance draft. <br />b. Discuss Holiday Inn Express Violations of City Code, Chapter 312: Local <br />Lodging Taxes <br />Finance Director Chris Miller summarized the requested action as detailed in <br />RCA dated August 16, 2010, following repeated and ongoing violations and re- <br />