<br />Electronic equipment and medical instrumentation devices shall mean both computer
<br />hardware and software, word processing equipment, .calculators, biomedical,
<br />biotechnical, medical supplies, prosthetic devices and similar products. (Ord. 895, 1-11-
<br />82), (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />FAMILY: Family shall mean one of the following:
<br />a. Any group of people. living together as a single housekeeping unit, all of whom
<br />are related by blood, marriage, or adoption plus children who are under foster
<br />care.
<br />b. Up to four people not so related, living together as a single housekeeping unit.
<br />c. Any group of people living together as a single housekeeping unit, if no more
<br />than two adult members function as the heads of the household group and the
<br />remaining members are dependent upon them for care and direction due to age,
<br />physical disability, a mental incompetency or for other reasons.
<br />d. Any individual, who is the owner, living and maintaining a common household
<br />and using a common cooking and kitchen facility.
<br />(Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />FLOOR AREA: (For the purpose of determining off-street parking and off-street loading
<br />requirements.) The sum of the gross horizontal floor area of the various floors of a
<br />building measured in square feet and from inside walls; excluding area devoted primarily
<br />to storage, aisles, lunch rooms, and fitting rooms. However,' floor area shall not include
<br />restrooms and hallways. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />FLOOR AREA, GROSS: (For the purpose of determining the floor area ratio conversions
<br />of existing structures and maximum size of business establishments.) The sum of the
<br />gross horizontal area of the various floors of a building measured in square feet from
<br />exterior wall to exterior wall. Unoccupied basements and space devoted to off-street
<br />parking shall not be included. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />FLOOR AREA RATIO: The numerical value obtained through dividing the gross floor
<br />area of a building or buildings, excluding accessory structures, by the net lot or parcel of
<br />land area on which such building or buildings are located. (Ord. 275, 5-12-59) (Ord.
<br />1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />FUEL STATION: A place where gasoline, kerosene or any other motor fuel, lubricating
<br />oil or grease for operating motor vehicles is offered for sale to the public and deliveries
<br />are made directly into motor vehicles. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />FUNERAL CHAPEL: A facility where funeral arrangements are made and memorial
<br />and/or funeral services for the dead are held. This use does not include embalming or
<br />other preparation of dead bodies for final disposition. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />GARAGE, PRIVATE: A detached accessory building or portion of the principal
<br />building, including a carport, which is used for storing passenger vehicles, trailer of the
<br />occupant, or trucks of a rated capacity not in excess of 3/4 ton. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />GARAGE, PUBLIC: Any building where automotive vehicles are painted, repaired,
<br />rebuilt or stored for compensation. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />GARAGE SALE: A sale of used household and personal items conducted on residential
<br />premises, where the property sold consists of items owned by the occupant of the
<br />premises at which the sale takes place, or by friends of such occupant and where the sale
<br />is conducted by such occupant or friends, and not by an agent or any other person to
<br />whom a commission, fee or salary is paid. Items for sale shall not have been purchased
<br />for resale or received on consignment for the purpose of resale. Except during the sales
<br />day and one day before and after for setup, items .for sale shall be stored within the
<br />