light and noise generated, have a moderate impact on surrounding properties. Moderate
<br />impact public or quasi-public uses include activities with more than 10 employees on site
<br />for any one acti•'vity, requiring more than 15 parking spaces for any one activity, exclusive
<br />of those parking spaces required for public assembly and not involving retailing,
<br />wholesaling or warehousing of materials other than normal office supplies. For the
<br />purposes of this Title a public use is a use of any area, building or structure held, used or
<br />controlled exclusively for public purposes by any department or branch of any
<br />government. Aquasi-public use is any use which is essentially public as in its services
<br />rendered, although it is under private control or ownership. (Ord. 874, 1-12-81)
<br />MORTUARY: A facility where funeral arrangements are made and/or funeral services
<br />for the dead are held and where dead bodies are embalmed or otherwise prepared for final
<br />disposition. (Ord. 863, 5-12-80)
<br />MOTEL: A building or group of buildings used primarily for the temporary residence of
<br />motorists or travelers. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />MOTOR FREIGHT TERMINAL (TRUCK TERMINAL): A building in which freight
<br />brought by motor truck is assembled and sorted for routing in intrastate and interstate
<br />shipment. (Ord. 275, 5-12-59)
<br />MOTOR VEHICLE: Any self-propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon railroad
<br />tracks and any vehicle propelled or drawn by aself-propelled vehicle.
<br />MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER: Any person licensed by the state and engaged in the
<br />business of selling, purchasing and generally dealing in new and used motor vehicles
<br />having an established place of business for the sale, trade and display of new and used
<br />motor vehicles and having in such motor vehicle dealer's possession new and used
<br />vehicles for the purposes of sale or trade. (Ord. 854, 9-10-79) (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />structure or use which does not comply with existing code requirements, but which
<br />complied with existing regulations at the time the building or structure was. constructed or
<br />the use was established. Such a building structure or use may be continued including
<br />through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, improvement, and expansion (but
<br />only as specifically authorized in Section 1011.02 of this Title. (Ord. 275, 5-12-59) (Ord.
<br />1286, 08-04-2003) (Ord. 1370, 7-14-2008)
<br />structure, or use illegally established when it was initiated, created, or constructed, which
<br />did not conforrri~ with the applicable conditions or provisions of the City Code for the
<br />district in which the lot, building, structure or use is located. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />(Ord. 1370, 7-14-200
<br />NON-MOTORIZED PATHWAYS: On-road and off-road pathways which are used for
<br />pedestrian, bicycle and other non-motorized means of transportation, the specifications of
<br />which shall be established by the Public Works Director. (Ord. 925, 5-9-83)
<br />NOXIOUS MATTER: Material which is capable of causing injury or malaise to living
<br />organisms or is capable of causing detrimental effect upon the health or the
<br />psychological, social or economic well-being of human beings. (Ord. 275, 5-12-59)
<br />NURSERY SCHOOLS:. A public or private facility, licensed by the state, the principal
<br />function of which is to provide an educational experience outside of the family home for
<br />children of preschool age. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />NURSING HOME: A state licensed establishment having accommodations for the
<br />continuous care of two or more invalid, infirm, aged convalescent patients or disabled
<br />persons that are not related. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003)
<br />OFFICE SHOWROOM: A facility in which up to 50% of the total floor area is utilized
<br />