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Request for Council Action <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Nancy Marie Petrun <br />On 1 I/I $/00 at 1800 hours a small child was struck by a pickup truck while crossing the street in the <br />area of Snelling and Roselawn Avenues. When officers arrived they found Pet�un performing rescue <br />breathing for the child. The child had suffered injuries that led offiCers and paramedics to believe that <br />she would not survive. <br />The child was rushed to Regions Hospital and to the surprise and delight of all involved made a full <br />recovery. Petrun's actions, had without question, sustained the child's life until emergency personnel <br />could arrive and take over. <br />The following officers will be recognized and awarded: <br />Officer Ann O'Neill <br />Letter of Commendation <br />On 1 1/21/00 at 0049 hours, Officer O'Neill responded to a fight at a local restaurant and noticed <br />vehicles leaving the area at a high rate of speed as she arrived. A pickup truck was stopped and the <br />driver subsequently arrested for outstanding warrants. The truck was towed and impounded. <br />While writing the report some time later, Officer O'Neill looked at the tow-in form for the truck that had <br />been filled out by another officer. The tow in listed the truck as a Chevrolet and the license plate <br />came back to a Chevrolet. O'Neill recalled that the truck was not a Chevy but a GMC. Officer O'Neill <br />followed up on her suspicion and discovered that the truck was a stolen out of White Bear Lake that <br />had plates from a similar vehicle on it. <br />If it weren't for Officer O'Neill's observations and attention to detail, the suspect may have eluded an <br />auto theft charge and the truck may not have been recovered. <br />Officer Mark Ganley and Officer AI Stefani <br />Unit Citation <br />On 1 1/22/00, Officers Ganley and Stefani were running warrant checks of the guests staying at the <br />Super 8 Motel. They discovered that one of the registered guests was wanted for a violation of <br />supervised release stemming from a murder 2 conviction. The officers watched the suspect's room <br />for over an hour and arrested him as he left the room. <br />After the arrest, Ganley and Stefani performed a search of the room and the suspect's vehicle. They <br />discovered over 400 grams of cocaine, crack cocaine, several false id's, a stolen laptop computer, <br />and $68,720 in cash that had clearly come from drug sales. <br />The suspect subsequently pled guilty on felony drug charges and received a lengthy prison sentence. <br />The cash was forfeited to the City of Roseville. <br />