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6. Consider a policy (or ordinance) that helps City departments achieve their <br />established missions. <br />7. Consider a policy (or ordinance) that protects the City from undue and/or <br />avoidable liability. <br />8. Consider a policy (or ordinance) that does not create a"special class" of non- <br />employee who, in turn, receives a greater benefit or compensation at the <br />taxpayer's expense. <br />9. Consider the ramifications of providing, via a policy or ordinance, a benefit <br />(perceived or actual) to non-employees of the City without e�tending the same <br />benefit to current city employees. <br />10. Consider how the City will enforce employee policies (i.e. drug/alcohol free work <br />place, respectful behavior, smoke-free work place, code of conduct) for non- <br />employees who are not bound by city rules. <br />