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New�reh�ouse <br />s�:cur�y rut�s <br />u�e# rett�ees <br />�n Ros+�riNe <br />����� <br />The RoS+evillE Fire De- <br />partment's new security <br />measures, which include <br />keeping track of station keys <br />and putting a time limit on <br />station visitors, is upsetting <br />retired firefighters. <br />The rules �hr�re put in <br />place after the �ept. il ter- <br />ror attacks h���'Wet`� being <br />considered before then, said <br />T�ire Chief Richard Gas�ay. <br />The new C�S �t�cit�e a <br />30-niit��ke limit oq; visi� to <br />fire stations and a require- <br />ment that firefighters turn <br />in station k�y� when they <br />lea�e the force. <br />But Sev�t'al rerired fire- <br />fighters ea �the ��1es pre- <br />vent them ��om �,�ther�a cit <br />stations to v�s��Ik � and� d�k <br />coffee. "It's a slap in the <br />face," said Joe �pssin(, who <br />retired from the volunt�i�[ <br />department 1�t year. <br />Gasaway, Who became <br />the department's first full- <br />time chief in $999, said retir- <br />ees are S�iI��� �+velcome. "It's <br />unfomanate that they uvot�ld <br />view it as something per- <br />sonal," he said. <br />t11 f..�3�Ne11, who retired <br />from the department in <br />1995 as a captain, said he <br />wished the chief had dis- <br />cussed the rules with retir- <br />ees before they were imple- <br />mented. <br />But Gasaway said the re- <br />tirees won't be involved in <br />setting policy for the depart- <br />ment. Still, the city may <br />sponsor a gathering place <br />for all retired city employees <br />and volunteers. <br />Bill Palmer, a retired fire <br />chief, said, "We deserve . . . <br />to be able to come into our <br />fire stations that we built." <br />_.�` , ��,v.�,�._ <br />C��� �� Cti.d ` y } <br />� � -" ,�, L� --� r'} � <br />