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�,u,���P�s <br />� titanle,y of NARAL is very <br />it� tizl'mA that demonize pro- <br />(1�=�t�r, Dec. 4). Regarding <br />,io��s about MCCL choosin <br />r�� iafe �onscitutionat amen� <br />C('1, is composed of "aritl- <br />•er.iists," why do both the <br />Set�ate have pro-life m�jori- <br />accusing Minnesota voters <br />nt.i-ehoice extremists?" Why <br />�L fear letting the citizens of <br />choose to vote yes or no on <br />onal amendment? <br />currently a resident of Mlri- <br />to answer Stanley's ques- <br />whether Minnesotans really <br />�er legislative session domi- <br />►�ortion politics, apparently <br />is yes. <br />�re, thanl�ully, many who <br />his issue rest as long as one <br />ieople, mothers, have the <br />athority of life or death over <br />�ss of people, their children. <br />�uld have the choice to kill <br />DEBRA DEMUTH <br />Hudson, tiVis. <br />you, Tim Stanley, for taking <br />in�orm the general public of <br />ss and narrow agenda of the <br />Citizens Concerned for Life. <br />eern for life apparently <br />tend to the hundreds of <br />tims of domesric violence <br />or i.hose whose lives are cut <br />;o inadequate health insur- <br />er or food. And while they <br />�rned for life," their vast <br />and energies have never <br />lobbying, for gun control, <br />restoranve �ustice or <br />bortion clinic bombings — <br />would elongate or improve <br />✓ICCL is not concerned with <br />protection of it. Instead it <br />to impose its personal and <br />agenda on the entire Min- <br />�lation. <br />STACEY HUNT <br />Minneapolis <br />11e�� referred to the ]egisla- <br />gs�held at the request of <br />only is that organization <br />lost powerfully political lob <br />i in the state, it has no toler- <br />ose who don't follow lock- <br />; views. <br />, when it was proposed that <br />i•ir�g the late U. S. Supreme <br />'.ce Harty BlackmoD, who <br />St. Paul, be plaeed±at the <br />h�clicial Center, MCCL took <br />position of asking the Leg- <br />�an the bust due to Blaek- <br />;ipation in the Roe vs. Wade <br />Ia ..8..�1 <br />.� �, <br />LETTERS. TO THE EDITOR <br />NICK UT, ASSOCIATED PRESS <br />Sara Jane Olson reacts after <br />reaffirming her guilty plea. <br />Sara Jane Olson <br />It's time the courts write an <br />obituary for Sara Jane Olson so we <br />never hear about her again. To fur- <br />ther protect the public, the judge <br />should order her mouth taped <br />shut. <br />DAVID B. DAHLBERG <br />. Ediita <br />Regarding Sara Jane Olson, for- <br />merly Kathleen Soliah, it saddens <br />me that there are so many dispas- <br />sionate people out there. I hope <br />that none of them ever needs <br />mercy or forgiveness. I suggest <br />that they embrace the prayer of St. <br />Ftancis. <br />J. LANGLOIS <br />Eau Claire, 4Vtis. <br />dedsiotl' barring unreasonable restrie- <br />tiotXS' o�Y a woman obtaining an abor- <br />tion. : <br />SpeG�fal interest groups attempt to <br />legislaf�e their views outside of the nor- <br />mal leglslative process, which is one of <br />S <br />the reasons many people lose respect <br />for 1�g�eltive bodies and the legislative <br />proces�`Groups such as MCCL should <br />be �h�tiied of their attempts to govern <br />wnd�r the cover of a Capitol that is gen- <br />eraTIy Ci�'k when the Legislature is not <br />in A`easion. <br />= TERRELLBROWN <br />` �°�� � Minneapolis <br />, ,. <br />. ,�^.,�� .�, <br />�.. <br />A Nov. 23 pioneer Press story <br />reported that retired firefighters from <br />Roseville can no longer gather for cof- <br />fee and visiting at the city's fiTe sta- <br />tions. Some of the retirees were disap- <br />pointed with this decision that limits <br />their viSits to 30 minutes and only <br />when another employee is present. <br />Gentlemen, grow up! We are grate- <br />ful for your past service. But when you <br />retire, do just that. Don't han� out wlth <br />past employers --- they don t need to <br />baby-sit you. Go to the senior center <br />and drink coffee. <br />The chief is right in this decision <br />and he is owed an apology He runs a <br />business and taYpayers expect it to be <br />run as such. <br />MARCELLA MOLOFION <br />Roseville <br />��eat�umair'"' <br />'I'hank you to Ramsey County' Pro- <br />bate Judge Michael T. DeCourcy for <br />the ruling on the estate of the elderly <br />Tom Burow of Mendota Heights. •A <br />warm handshake to Doug Peters of the <br />Pioneer Press for writing `Broken <br />Trus�' (Nov. 25). But, a loud, raucous <br />enthusiastic standing ovation for farm- <br />hand John Langenbrunner, who chal- <br />lenged the powerful and privileged <br />with the truth. <br />I�angertil�runner emerged as a truly <br />great human being, a man who let the <br />court and all Pioneer Press readers <br />know that, his soul was not for sale, <br />Even for $250,000. Langenbrunner flat <br />out said that his boss, Tom BuTOW,-d1d <br />not intend to leave money to hi1ri, <br />What a contrast Langenbrunner is <br />to those who lined their more than 20 <br />year "friendship" with Burow �Vith <br />apparent duplicity and greed. One won- <br />ders at exactly what point the attorneys <br />and businessman apparently decided <br />that Burow was old enough to be.e�sy <br />prey Did their egos soar as they used <br />position, paperwork and procedures to <br />apparently steal? Was there a special <br />intense satisfaction jn apparently tak- <br />ing the property acquired by a former <br />truck driver-turned farmer? <br />The story showed that sometimes <br />we "little people" wait, watch justice <br />falter, and ultunately it fails us. This <br />time, though, it worked because one of <br />our own, John <br />up, told it stra <br />greedy down. <br />1 <br />Holdthelights <br />Now let's get this straight. I am not .� <br />Scrooge-like person. Actually, Pm a bi#� <br />fan of the holidays. What gets me in[.r, <br />the anti-holiday &�$'it is seeing thosf� <br />Chrlstmas lights all over the plac{ <br />slopped around trees like jewelry <br />I think about my future and tbc� <br />energy that my generation will nee�� <br />for ever,�-day t' S like lighting ot� i <br />homes, cooking an microwaving. AI►tl <br />Iwhen I thirik about my future, I think <br />�bout t}a�s� `people's ignorance. Are <br />they really b enough not to notice'! <br />Arr they s�e�ildish that they don't <br />stoj? for evP.YlS � moment to think about <br />the `ong run? <br />i�>s I sit � the passenger seat of m�- <br />mot;�.er's car as she drives past the <br />lights, I wonder if those people h�vt� <br />children. I stare at the gobs of energy <br />being wa{;�ed by the second. I long to <br />open my car door and give them a good <br />scolding. <br />But I:tm only a kid and I can't do <br />one little 1 I11ng about it. So that is why I <br />wro`e this little letter. <br />AM13F,2 COL�'ARIT <br />West.Sl. Pa��� <br />The !uriter is age 13. <br />Soul food <br />T egardin� radio station KOOL ] pR';� <br />transformation as the Twin Cj1,1C5' <br />Christmas Siiperstation, it is this crit <br />ic's opinion that it is anything but boi <br />ing. Or rather, if it is boring, it is boring <br />in the way that a ste�ming bowl of chili <br />is boring, or a plate of lasagna. This <br />Christmas music is comfort food for th��� <br />soul. <br />DEWEY R07'11 <br />„ RosemoTrnt <br />V'�kingsterrible <br />The �ngs' losses cannot be <br />blamed on the fact that the team is <br />grieving over Korey Stringer's death. <br />The ��ngs are a texribie team, witl l <br />too many big egos, especially the play- <br />er who says he "only plays when he <br />wants to play" (Randy Moss). The team <br />has no excuses for playing the way it <br />does. <br />JACQUELINE HEINT7, <br />St. P�r�l <br />More on Twins <br />Langenbrunner, stood A number of decisions on the future <br />ight and brought the of the MiMe80� �ns need to be <br />made fairly quiekly. But for the better- <br />JENNIFER TAHTINEN ment of 811 of St. Paul and the whole <br />Webster, Wis. state, let's get moving and get the work <br />.�t; <br />� , .. <br />,.... _ <br />'� �C '����' �./` �`7'__� . � 1 � a..�r r ��.� � <br />�..�- �;. .�. <br />