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Here are some of the ways that people discriminate against <br />gays and lesbians. If you are gay or lesbian you and your partner are <br />not allowed to legally marry in the U.S. The United Nation has <br />adopted t Declaration of Human R One of things <br />that it states is that ""Men and women of full age, without any <br />limitation to race, nationality or religion have the right to marry and <br />found a family. They are entitled to equal right as to marriage, <br />during marriage and at its dissolution." It doesn't say that women <br />have to marry men; it just says that men and women should be aloud <br />to be legally married. The U.S. has not adopted this declaration. <br />The Bill of Rights doesn't state that marriage is between a man <br />and a woman. There is a movement to amend the Bill of Rights and <br />define marriage as only between a man and a woman. This issue <br />will probably end up in the Supreme Court with in the new couple <br />of years. <br />Since my moms are lesbian they had worries that other parents <br />didn't have. one of the things they worried about was if other bids <br />would tease me because they were lesbian. I have been very lucky <br />and have not been teasel because I have 2 moms. They also had to <br />worry about how other parents and neighbors might treat our family. <br />When my parents meet new people, they have to explain that <br />they are lesbians. On our summer vacation to Ely I met new kids <br />about my age, one girl was 7 and the other one was I2. Their r parents <br />and my moms were talking and their mom said "Are you two <br />sisters My mom said "No we're partners." "Like business <br />partners their dad said. "No," replied my other mom "we're life <br />
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