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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 15, 2010 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Police Department <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested measurements on proactive or prevention initia- <br /> tives of staff; as well as steps taken in building relationships with the communi- <br /> ty's youth; and evaluation of prevention efforts realized through community pres- <br /> entations. <br /> Related to the Police Department's work with the City's Housing and Redeve- <br /> lopment Authority (HRA), Councilmember Pust expressed interest in measuring <br /> whether recent enactment of the nuisance ordinance was reducing the number of <br /> police calls to problem buildings; and if the goal was being met to work with resi- <br /> dents, managers, and owners of those buildings to ensure the safety of their resi- <br /> dents while addressing problem or nuisance properties. <br /> Fire Department <br /> Councilmember Pust questioned the phrasing or purpose of the EMS calls for ser- <br /> vice per 1,000 residents, and the goal trying to be accomplished, whether it was <br /> for more or less than a certain number. <br /> Public Works Department <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that most of their measures were related to cost, such <br /> as gallons of water pumped per day, however, those were not items controllable <br /> by employees; and she suggested that more emphasis be included for measuring <br /> efforts to make the community more environmentally sustainable. <br /> Parks Recreation Department <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed surprise that their measurements were related to <br /> costs per acre for park system maintenance that addressed annual expenditures <br /> that were somewhat controllable, but opined that it seemed there should be some <br /> measurement of the number of households using the park systems /facilities; and if <br /> and how the volunteer based was increasing, thereby reducing maintenance costs <br /> accordingly. Councilmember Pust also suggested a measurement on participant <br /> fees, and whether they were increasing or decreasing. <br /> Councilmember Roe concurred with the general comments of Councilmember <br /> Pust in attempting to tie benchmarks to something that the City Council and/or <br /> staff could actively improve upon for the benefit of its citizens to measure impacts <br /> of actions, not just quantify measurements. Councilmember Roe had several ad- <br /> ditional comments: <br /> Public Works Department <br /> Councilmember Roe suggested that measurements include the number of water <br /> main breaks annually, not just the gallons of water pumped, similar to the City's <br /> Pavement Management Program (PMP) to determine the percentage of utilities <br /> above or below standards or goals of the community. <br />