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<br />MR. HONCHELL: I don't know of any other way to solve the <br />problem. <br /> <br />MRS. BAGGENTOSS: Is there any other way the problem could <br />be corrected? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Not to my knowledge except for building a <br />huge dike around there and that would be the south side and we'd <br />still have to worry about the area in the green. <br /> <br />MRS. T. TOWNSLEY: We need more water - but like this <br />woman who lives on Western and she said they're all sand and so <br />are we and that yard is so dry I just pray for water (in- <br />audible). We've had more rain this last summer - real downfalls <br />and you can go out two days later and you have to sprinkle - <br />it's just dry and she lives next door and she has the same thing <br />and we're on the low side of Minnesota and we're dry and I mean <br />it. I'm on the low side of Capitol View and we have no water <br />problem. It's just sand. <br /> <br />MR. MICHAEL HAIDER, 329 Minnesota: I have that big lot on <br />Matilda. I have been out there 20 years and I have been out <br />there before most of these people and water runs down there all <br />the time. Most of the water (inaudible) and cuts down in front <br />of me and gets through there, but the water problem I have <br />lasts about two weeks in the spring so I think it's ridiculous <br />putting a big sewer system through there when it (inaudible) <br />big sulverts under 36 (inaudible). Twenty years I've been <br />there and I've never had a problem and I'm way up on the hill. <br />It's ridiculous putting a sewer system on the hill. I agree <br />with her - my grass burns out. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I believe you intend to take it under <br />Highway 36. Any other people that would like to make a <br />statement? <br /> <br />MRS. JOSEPH BRINKMAN, 2300 Auerbach: Would you show <br />exactly where the storm sewer is going to go - where the con- <br />struction will be? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Right where he's running his pencil now. <br /> <br />MRS. BR~: Will there be some at our back? <br /> <br />MR. HONCEELL: This is on (inaudible) whereby your water <br />runs down hill. <br /> <br />lO <br />