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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:08:58 AM
Creation date
4/23/2005 5:18:34 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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<br />MR. DUANE SKIE, 345 Minnesota Avenue: I guess I'm like <br />(inaudible). I don't have any desire to increase my tax load <br />but I don't like to see my neighbors in trouble so I'm wondering <br />if it would be helpful for you, for example, the $l5,OOO that's <br />going to be assessed directly to property owners in the area and <br />the remaining $45,000 over the entire village so it's my <br />understanding that property owners in the area will pay the <br />entire $l5,000 at the rate of $250 per parcel plus a share in <br />the remaining $45,000. I'm wondering if you could break that <br />down for the people here into dollars and cents per month or <br />year so they can see what the affect on their taxes and <br />purchasing power might be. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: Until we sell the bonds and know the <br />interest rate involved it wouldn't be possible to give an exact <br />amount if you don't pay up the $250 in advance but I'll ask Mr. <br />Popovich to give a rough.,estimate. The balance that will be <br />spread over Roseville would be very minor because Dayton's, the <br />trucking firms, everyone who lives in Roseville would be <br />contributing to that and we have about $l48 million of assessed <br />valuation now. <br /> <br />MR. SKIE: It would be helpful if you could boil it down to <br />plus or minus fifty cents a month. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: As to the $45,000, obviously divided into <br />our big tax base it's pennies per year. I doubt it would be <br />over a couple of pennies for everyone involved. As to the <br />assessment part - the $250 divided by 20 years - so you'd pay <br />one-twentieth each year for 20 years. There's ~/o on the <br />balance so $l2.50: 8% on $250 is $20 so the assessment is <br />$32.50 that first year and then declining until the last year <br />the assessment principal is still $12.50 because that's one- <br />twentieth and the interest $l so they pay $l3.50 the last year. <br />If you start off at $32 and you're down to $13.50, the average <br />is half way in between which is what the yearly payment would be <br />so that in the end it's roughly a dollar a month and in the <br />beginning it's a little over $2 a month and they'll average to <br />$1.50 approximately over the 20 year period assuming they don't <br />prepay. <br /> <br />MR. JAMES WALLIS, 2339 Hand: As long as we're getting to <br />dollars and cents, what does it cost Roseville to send out a <br />front-end loader - two or three guys to open a trench so the <br />water can drain out, which we all pay for? We could save that <br />money. <br /> <br />l4 <br />
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