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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:08:58 AM
Creation date
4/23/2005 5:18:34 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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<br />MR. HONCHELL: That's $25 an hour or better for each hour <br />they're out there. <br /> <br />MRS. DOROTHY SCHMIDT, 289 Capitol View: I'm the one that's <br />having a problem, but I'm having the problem as a result of <br />the water from all those homes and I don't think I should be <br />punished because of having that water. I didn't have that water <br />before. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: Anyone else that would like to be heard? <br />Any member of the Council have a question they would like to <br />ask before we close the hearing and then deliberate among~our- <br />selves? If there's no one in the audience that would like to <br />be heard further, I will close the hearing on Storm Sewer <br />Improvement 74-14 and the Council will now deliberate among <br />themselves and then vote. As I stated earlier, the nature of <br />this project is a nonpetitioned improvement because of the <br />removal of some five or six names, so four out of five votes of <br />the Council will have to be in favor to vote the project in <br />rather than three out of five which is true of a petitioned <br />proposal. The hearing is now closed so I won't recognize anyone <br />further from the audience. It will merely be dialogue between <br />the Council and the staff. Are there any questions or thoughts <br />or statements anyone would like to make? <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY: Unfortunately a storm sewer hearing <br />doe~n't leave everyone happy. I've had occasion to sit here <br />on these hearings before and it leaves a lot of people angry <br />and some happy. We wish it would make everyone happy. People <br />on high ground, I can understand how you feel. If you have no <br />problem with water you can't understand why we have to put a <br />storm sewer in. I used to live on Dale and Shryer - one of the <br />highest places in Roseville - and we had a hell of a time trying <br />to keep our grass green it was so dry - but our water did run <br />downhill. It doesn't all soak in instantly - it runs off, and I <br />voted for the storm sewer in my area. It was $200 then - now <br />it's $250. I have since moved and paid for another storm sewer <br />over there. It's not fair to the people who have paid for <br />storm sewers - and there are a lot of them in Roseville - to <br />continue to have to pay for maintenance in areas where they <br />don't want a storm sewer. Someone has to pay for it. That was <br />a good question - what does it cost to send people out to fix <br />these places up - and there's only one way we can solve the <br />problem and that's by installing a storm sewer. In the future <br />if there ever is going to be a permanent street construction <br />in Roseville, you can't do it unless you have storm sewers first <br />so it's going to come sometime and you're not a unique group of <br />people or unique neighborhood because there have been a lot of <br />neighborhoods that have storm sewers installed and if you have <br /> <br />l5 <br />
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