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<br />a really good objection that you can prove your place is not - <br />the water doesn't run that way - you get another crack at it <br />if this is voted in tonight because in the fall we have an <br />assessment hearing and you will be notified and you can find out <br />what your assessment is and express your objection and we will <br />go out and look at the parcel. I believe we have to have the <br />storm sewer. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I would like to ask a question of Mr. <br />Honchell. What percentage of Roseville is now storm sewered - <br />about 80%? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: 75% to 8()O~. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: 75% to 80% have storm sewers now. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN DEMOS: I just don't happen to be storm sewer <br />happy and if there is a way to avoid a storm sewer - a way to <br />establish a ponding area I would certainly go for that but in <br />this case I think there are enough problems that I don't see <br />any way out except to buy this one, shall I say. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN HESS: With the problems they have had in the <br />area - and I realize there are people that don't have the <br />problems - I would have to go for the storm sewers for this <br />one. I realize $250 is quite a lot of money, but in a few years <br />it would be up higher yet so it's better to take it at $250 now <br />rather than a higher rate later. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN BRENNAN: I have sat through a lot of storm <br />sewer hearings and after I went through my little book I feel <br />some day this will have to come in. However, I did feel kind <br />of sympathetic about this letter and petition in regard to <br />senior citizens and people that will be hard pressed by this <br />and I had some feeling that possibly they have a lot of con- <br />sideration corning, but at the same token, eventually we're <br />going to have to put this thing in and like Mr. Hess and the <br />rest have stated before, it possibly will cost more money in <br />the future and I think I would have to vote for it. <br /> <br />MAYOR LlNEBARBER: There's not much I can add to what's <br />been said by the other four Councilmen other than I feel that <br />this is essential. The day will come when we have to rebuild <br />Roseville streets and one of the primary requirements is that <br />you can carry the water off the street. The first step toward <br />this is a storm sewer and I would be in favor of it. I would <br />like to call for a motion and after this motion I think the <br /> <br />l6 <br />