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<br />or $45,613 would be: spread by general taxes. This approach is <br />in line with the previous approaches so far as residential <br />property is concerned within the village. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: Thank you. I will ask our Manager to <br />read any statements or petitions from affected citizens in <br />regard to this project. <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: We had one petition signed by l3 property <br />owners which was demonstrated on the slide, in opposition to <br />the project. We also have a letter from Mrs. Claude Stubbe, <br />345 Capitol View, expressing opposition to the project. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I'm going to open the hearing now to <br />the public. Each speaker should identify himself and the <br />street address of the property he's referring to. After you <br />have all had a chance to state your opinion, then I will <br />close the hearing and the Council will vote on this particular <br />public improvement and we will open up the hearing for the <br />next improvement on our agenda. But we will be voting for <br />this at the conclusion of the hearing. This was a petitioned <br />project and they require 3 out of 5 positive votes. However, <br />there were enough people who removed their names from the <br />petition so it now requires, as a nonpetitioned project, 4 out <br />of 5 positive votes from the Council. I will declare this <br />hearing open and I will try to recognize you in an orderly <br />fashion. Give your name and address. We ask that we don't <br />have repetetive statements from each one of you. <br /> <br />MRS. DOROTHY SCHMIDT, 289 Capitol View: Of course my <br />basement is flooded now as a result of the building that you <br />allowed next door to me and the water used to go in the middle <br />of the lot that the house that's built there is and, of course, <br />you have diverted the water .to the lots behind me and there <br />naturally has to be a storm sewer there to take care of all <br />this excess water. I have had my basement flooded with lO <br />and l2 inches of water every time it rains and I feel that <br />there is a definite necessity for it and I understood that <br />each property owner was going to be assessed $250 for 20 years, <br />isn't that right? I think some people have been incorrectly <br />informed about it but I think that it's a necessity. I need <br />it and the people that own the lots behind me can sue the <br />village. The water shouldn't be diverted into their lots <br />either so I certainly hope they pass it. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: You understand this $250 is payable <br />over the 20 year period if you choose not to pay it up at once. <br /> <br />4 <br />