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<br />MRS. DOROTHY SCHMIDT: I think the people thought they <br />were going to be taxed so high for it and I could understand <br />tha t. <br /> <br />MR. DUANE SKIE, 345 Minnesota Avenue: I'm right on the <br />corner. I would like to know how many homes are really affected <br />by the water problem, and this young lady partially answered my <br />question. I'd like to know the extent of the problem in the <br />homes that are affected. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I'll refer this question to Mr. Honchell. <br />He may like to show his map on the wall again. I think this <br />is typical that the people on the hill aren't affected and the <br />people below are affected. I think the color of the dots <br />reiterates that. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: We have gone back to the plans that showed <br />who signed which petition. I think there was sort of a story <br />there. All the red dots were on the high ground and the green <br />on the low ground. You notice the red dots are on the high <br />lots on Hand, Auerbach, and near Western. This is all high <br />ground and they have, to my knowledge, no water problem, to <br />answer your question. None of those people have water problems. <br />The people on the north end, up near Bismarck and Hand, have <br />water problems going by their homes and there are water problems <br />just to the east of that area where it says (inaudible). All of <br />those homes are affected to some degree. To the south area, <br />the major prOblem is Mrs. Schmidt's home and her problem is <br />extensive and almost every time it rains she has water in her <br />basement. There is also, to a lesser degree, the Wolkerstorfer <br />property next to her. The only other known prOblem to any <br />extent that this water is causing is at the area identified <br />as 296 up there where they are desiring to utilize this property <br />but due to the fact that water is going through it they are not <br />able to fully utilize the property. I hope that answers your <br />question. <br /> <br />MR. JAMES WALLIS, 2339 Hand: I was on the original <br />petition for the smaller project a couple of years ago. During <br />times of thawing and freezing toward the end of the year when <br />the snow begins to break up, without the use of a 4-wheel drive <br />vehicle I can't get to my driveway. I just feel that with the <br />amount of taxes we do pay I should have access to it. My <br />neighbor has the same problem. We have had mechanical <br />difficulty to our cars going through piles of ice and I just <br />want to say I'm for it. <br /> <br />5 <br />