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<br />MR. GORDON HOCKEMEYER, 325 Capitol View: It looks to me <br />like on that overlay that everybody on the south okayed the <br />petition, is that right? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: No. We had some beautiful colors. It's a <br />shame on the overview you can't tell greens from yellows. <br /> <br />MR. HOCKEMEYER: Mrs. Schmidt came to our house and my <br />wife told me (inaudible) signed the petition but I believe a lot <br />of people sign petitions without realizing what it would cost <br />them and actually the lots behind us drain down into our yard. <br />We don't have any water problem in the fact that it drains <br />between the houses and I don1t think that anybody on Capitol <br />View except Mrs. Schmidt and Wolkerstorfer have any problem <br />with water in the basements to any great extent. I think that <br />Mrs. Schmidt has a real problem and I think the thing is to <br />instead of putting a storm sewer in the whole area, to devise <br />something that will help her lot and maybe the one behind her. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: Mr. Honchell, I guess I'm confused too <br />by your reference to yellow and green. <br /> <br />MR. DOUGLAS STRONG, Public Works Department: These I'm <br />pointing at are all petitioners on Capitol View. These are <br />nonpetitioners. All of these people did not sign for or against. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: Are there any yellow that appear green <br />up above? <br /> <br />MR. STRONG: These are nonsigners. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I guess what I want you to do is point <br />to the signers. <br /> <br />MR. STRONG: The ones in red are against, plus this one <br />was for and now against - this one was for and now against - <br />this one was for and now against - this one was for and now <br />against - this one was for and now against, the green ones for. <br /> <br />MR. MARSHALL SHAW, 391 Highway 36: It says "exceptll. <br />Would that mean I'd be in it or not. There is a strip of city <br />property between there - between me and Western. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: There's a line that goes right through the <br />middle of that lot. Everything to the east is in it - to the <br />west is not so if your home is west of that lot you would not <br />be assessed. <br /> <br />6 <br />