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<br />the entire green portion does drain that (inaudible) and I'm <br />a proponent of this proposal. <br /> <br />MR. THOMAS WEAVER, 2330 Auerbach: It seems to me that a <br />lot of houses in our area aren't affected and I don't know if <br />there's any.other way - like a couple of culverts - but all <br />these homes along Auerbach and Hand - it doesn't really affect <br />us at all and I guess I would hope there would be some other <br />method or way to do this before this is adopted this way. I <br />don't know too much about engineering but if there would be <br />another alternative way to look at it because I know in (in- <br />audible) as was pointed out by that map there are a lot of <br />people who would be against this proposal. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I'm going to ask our engineer just how <br />it is determined who is in the area and who isn't, but basically <br />it's either he who has a water problem or he who is helping <br />cause the problem further downstream. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The system we use is to go out into the <br />field and look at aerial surveys and determine the boundary <br />of areas that contribute water into this particular location. <br />In other words, that water that eventually gets down to <br />Minnesota and back out to Highway 36 through Capitol View. All <br />of that water comes from the area inside the purple and the <br />system that's utilized is that we don't play favorites. We <br />say it's everyone's equal responsibility whether at the bottom <br />of a hill receiving the water or at the top starting the water <br />down because once that water gets to the bottom there's no <br />way to distinguish which water causes the problem. It's <br />everyone's water at that point and it's been the city policy <br />for many years to equally assess all those parcels that <br />contribute water to the problem that get picked up by the <br />system. I hope that answers how we do it. There are other ways, <br />certainly, but that's the way we do it. <br /> <br />MR. ROYAL GRAYDEN, 357 Capitol View: I'm speaking for the <br />people at 2258 Western Avenue and also the people to the east <br />of me. We have never had a water problem and we don't have now <br />and it looks like we're being assessed. And also my question - <br />what is the price of this project? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Back to the reason you're being assessed <br />is again because you're in the area that drains to the location <br />where we have to pick the water up. We aren't saying that you <br />individually have a water problem, and the assessment is $250 <br />per single family lot. The total cost is approximately <br />$l5,000 or a $6l,000 improvement. <br /> <br />8 <br />