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<br />MR. CARMEN DORSO: If you're only going ~o pick up 20% of <br />it on the direct property owners, the rGst is going to have to <br />come out of the general revenue fund of the village and I was <br />going +0 ask the same question because I've been there for l6 <br />years and I know the overflow of Langdon Lake goes into Wilson <br />pond which is a problem so the whole area is going to benefit <br />and if we're just going to ~ake 20% we have t.o raise our general <br />taxes to cover the 80% that's not covered in the assessment and, <br />therefore, I'm against it. I think taxes are high enough now. <br /> <br />MR. JOHN NELSON, 3096 Cleveland Avenue: Do the people <br />inside the red circle decide whether this is done or how is it <br />decided? <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: The Council makes 1:he decision. They either <br />order or abandon a project. We do want your par~icipation <br />though. One thing I'g glad for here - it's the firs~ time we <br />have created some ponds or enlarged them to make some holding <br />ponds before we rush it down the storm sewers. It's the first <br />time I know of we've really properly dealt with the subject. <br /> <br />MR. ROBERT DUFORD, 3062 North Cleveland: What's the pay <br />back period for the homeowner? Do we have any idea how long all <br />of this construction will take - can you give us an in the ball <br />park time? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: When you say "all this constr.uction" - all <br />that is probably six months. It won't all happen at one time <br />or one place. It depends on whether Cleveland goes or whether <br />it doesn't go - is that development going to be built or not. <br />You're looking at several months of work by a contractor. We <br />also don't expect to have things torn up for six months while <br />he works, but this is a sizeable project. <br /> <br />MR. DUFORD: Quite a while ago you said ~here was an old <br />drainage area from the county that started south of the project <br />and went north. Is that still in existence - does it still <br />drain norl-h? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: There are pieces that are in existence and <br />pieces that are not. <br /> <br />MR. DUFORD: So the area south drains into the area also. <br /> <br />l7 <br />