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<br />MR. HONCHELL: It will be increased - no~ necessarily <br />doubled. <br /> <br />MR. SHEPARD; I can see if you have double flowage possibly <br />you could do yourself some good but I don't see it.~s doing us <br />any (inaudible) this way and where I'm located I don't see - but <br />as you say, everyone gets it. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The flow through the interstate highway will <br />be greater than it is now. It may be double - it may not - I <br />would have to tell you the CFS going through there but we do not <br />want to increase ~he size of the pipes under +he freeway itself. <br />We want to restrict the amoun+ of water heading nor+h and ~hat's <br />where this dialogue came from as to holding down the size. We <br />want. to hold the size down. <br /> <br />MR. SAM CAVE, 723 Terrace Drive: This address is no.l~ in t-he <br />red area but I do own some land there. I'd like to point out a <br />couple of things. Right now there's a messy pond there - <br />certainly not: as pleaant as -l.he one propeaed near +he Evelyn <br />Street area. All the lots +here will be assessed and paid for <br />then by some fut-ure resident of those lots. I say, let's get <br />some people in t.o help us pay our .~-axes - not just for 1-his pro- <br />jec+ but for our schools and general fund. Beyond t-ha+, I think <br />those people that live over by Rice street and Dale Street and <br />all the way east, we've been contribu+ing to 70% of their pro- <br />jects, let's get them to con1-ribut-e .....0 70% of what will benefit <br />us. <br /> <br />MR. PAUL SCHWALBE, 2969 North Cleveland: We don't have a <br />drainage problem and never had, but on Cleveland there has been <br />water across the road but it-Is been just a few rimes and it <br />seems to me about a third of a million dollars is a lot of money <br />for Roseville to payout to drain about CO acres of land more or <br />less, so I think the engineering should take a better look at it <br />and there may be some money saving ways they can drain the prob- <br />lem pieces of property that they have there. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: At this time I will close the public hearing. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN AND3RSON: I'd like to ask Mr. Honchell - I <br />notice going up Cleveland Avenue, away from Wilson pond, which <br />would be flowing downstream, up to Brenner Avenue where it <br /> <br />2l <br />