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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:09:47 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 11:49:44 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Approving County Plans for Cleveland Avenue Improvement No. P-W-SS-76-9
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />is a dangerous stretch of roadway. The shoulders are worthless <br />for bike traffic. I think something should be done and they <br />talked about having Langdon Lake as a recreational area once <br />you block it off on the east side of what they call an indus- <br />trial part - which is another subject - but they wanted that as <br />a park area (inaudible) there were bicycle trails on Cleveland <br />from C-2 and connected this Langdon Lake area I could see some <br />(inaudible) of improving Cleveland. If we're improving it to <br />make a four lane 50 mile an hour truck route I think I would be <br />opposed to it because we don't need a 50 mile an hour truck <br />route through a residential area. We moved to our area expecting <br />to find a quiet residential area and you don't have it and with <br />a four lane (inaudible). My wife has been down to Garrett <br />asking about the truoks going north and there's nothing you can <br />do. They won't go south to hit 35 north. They will not do <br />that. It's easier to head just up north on Cleveland and so <br />I'm afraid if you ever did make it a four lane or 52 feet wide <br />you'd get all the truck traffic that we don't enjoy today. I <br />don't think there's any way you will avoid it. In fact, in <br />talking with the people at Garrett - if all the truckers are <br />like Garrett - cooperation is not existent so unless we did <br />something to make sure the truckers and traffic was slowed down <br />to a pace we can live with - if that's not possible, I'm against. <br /> <br />MRS. YVONNE BUCKLEY, 1866 West County Road C-2: This is <br />just an aside, but I think it's important to know that the <br />sheriff that's doing the monitoring on that road belonged to the <br />Teamsters and (inaudible) and that's the end of that. <br /> <br />MR. PAUL SCHWALBE, 2969 Cleveland: I'm paid by the mile so <br />the quicker I get there the better. I don't work out of here. <br />I work out of Burnsville. I don't think we need the road. The <br />only thing it might do - it would be smoother, because I have <br />one of those bumps in front of my house and every time one of <br />those trucks hits it, it shakes the house. It might be a little <br />quieter if they had better pavement, but as far as getting the <br />truck traffic off - you could plow furrows in front of your <br />house, but I'd still go that way because it's shorter. Maybe <br />a little stricter enforeement so far as sp3ed might help. It's <br />(inaudible) but they go 45 or 50. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: ~lliy does St. Paul have permission to regulate <br />truck traffic (inaudible)? <br /> <br />13 <br />
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