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<br />lid like t') go through the pr'Jpo'Jal ,.,ter r-y sten. <br />A~ I sc.Yc it did n?t d0.velop very r2pidly.,n the in~ine <br />m?inly teeause of the low r')lling terr2in and the de~ire <br />by v2rious partie~ in the p2~t. that this might be ?cquired <br />for park property. In fvet, i-hi~ are? wa~ part of the Rc m~ey <br />County Open Space proposal to te 2cquired Clnd kept open. <br />However. ",ft-er getting init-i?l estimates of the cost- of <br />r.'C'lU iring this property, discu"c,ing it sever8l times C't <br />numerous meetings at their B')?rd. it we') ebandonea in 1976 <br />in NovemDer for PC'rk purposes. <br /> <br />llppr")xima1- e Iy one rronth later t-he cit-y received c pet it ion <br />reaue~ting t-hat the are? be developed 50 that the inside or <br />interior lots eould becom~ usa01e. <br /> <br />At the current time there ere water ~ain~ along Vict-oria <br />and ",long Ne'1t OI!J?S~O BoulE:v?rc~. Neither of these - well. <br />the one on Vietori? is tied westerly the 'Jne on West OW?S'30 <br />it:; not looped or tied t-'J cny oi-her water mcin. There is c>n <br />exist ing scmit 2rv c;e~N'er which is '3hown in green on i-he wap <br />which come~ down Avon St-reet. comes ?long Brenner, and comes <br />to "i'vest Owasso where it joins <"nother c:;anitcry sewer. There <br />is al~o a scnit~ry 1ewer along Viet-aria. I might mention <br />that- ('1t: i'he extreme northern edge at C0unty Road D~ Shoreview <br />?19o krings z portion of its sanit-ary sewage into Roseville <br />where it then pa"l':'les through t-o St. P?ul on t-he W?y to 'be <br />treC'ted. There is c smell meter up in this location. The <br />prop~~al is to complete the w~ter and ~?nitary sewer sy~tew <br />in the aree. This would mean tringing '" w~ter~pin clong <br />Milh10':>l.=t t') '1erve t-he~e lots Fll thE: W(iY up t'j the proposed <br />cuI-de-sac (inaudible) existing plat where it would go between <br />lots to (incmc1irle) r') i-he exir; wC\ter m?in. Thi'3 would <br />proviae 9~me l~')ping for rhese homc~ ~na 21~o loop those <br />homep. along the cul-oe-~ac. There is also? proposed water <br />ffi?in from \^7est Owcsc~o clong Brenner to victoria, end ~l:mg <br />l\von i 0 County Road B where it- would then go 'jver ancl lo')p <br />to victoria '.)nce age- in Clnd serve the interior l')t s. <br /> <br />Now, the existing city proposc-l which "'Till be dealt \.,ith <br />later as fc-r 2'1 cost, i~ 1eio Jut in a W2nner that goes ry the <br />stcndard procedures of the citv - mainly that corner lots pre <br />c;;se.ssed 25 feet for sewer cnd water crounc1 t.he-ddes. This <br />is c matrer that is really not for finCll conclu~ion at this <br />point. If the iwpr')vewent is Jrdered in at t-he time of the <br />puhlic hec:ringc i~-' (; p')ssibls there TT'ight t'e '3,:>m(~ clJnsicleration <br /> <br />-~- <br />