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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:10:00 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 11:52:23 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the construction of Improvement No. SS-W-P-ST-76-23 under and pursuant to Minnesota statutes, chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />MR. POPOVICH: This project is at an er.-;tirncted cost pub- <br />lished in the legal notice ~f $485.412. A~ you know, it's <br />divided into a number of items. The street, concrete curb and <br />gutter port. ion will cost :? lEO r 000 which ~"O\'lc be lOO% assessed <br />and would amount to $28.36 a front foot for the assessment. <br /> <br />The sanitcry sewer portion would cost $40.000, and would <br />amount to $10.35 a front foot for the assessment. In 2ddition <br />to that, there would be the sanitary sewer services in addition <br />to the front.age of $355 per service. <br /> <br />The wCltermain cost i~ $76,000 and the estirnClted front <br />footage cost is ~ll.63. The watermain services from the line <br />to the lot line would be an additional $223. <br /> <br />The storm sewer costs would be at the new formula that the <br />Council has adopted for those lots thct are benefited, which <br />would be $295 for those lots. <br /> <br />The total cost of the project then would leave an amount <br />to be raised by general taxes of $57,718 of the total $485,412 <br />and the rest would be picked up by assessments. If one - and <br />this is particularly true of the newly platted lots - if you <br />add the street assessment of $28.36, sanitary sewer of $10.35, <br />the water of $11.63, you would have 2 total of $50.34 you would <br />multiply times the frontage. If it's an 85 foot lot that would <br />total $4,278.90. In addition to thClt. you'd have to add the <br />storm sewer of $295 and the services, which is another $874. <br />so on an 85 foot lot the total cost would be $5,l50 approximately. <br />That's not an insignificant amount, and obviously it's got to be <br />paid over a period of time. We would recommend a 20 year period <br />of time with an unpaid interest carrying charge of those who <br />do not prepay of 8%. The first year's costs would be the most <br />difficult because you'd hClve one-twentieth of $5,000, or $250, <br />and 8% of $5,000 is another s400 so that would be $650 that <br />first year. In the twentieth year it would be $250 plus $20 <br />intere~t - so $270, so it's a constant decline. I'm talking <br />primarily about the newly platted lots. <br /> <br />If there are any thClt have received an assessment before <br />for trunk sewer or water, there's a proposed amount that would <br />be credited to these figures that I have given. It's $2.75 a <br />foot for sewer, and $1.50 a front foot for water. For those <br />people that have already paid some assessments. the staff has <br />calculated the cost on the map and they would be able to see <br />on the older lots where there have been assessments for any <br />previous improvement - a credit that would be given to them. <br /> <br />-6- <br />
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