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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mr. Munson provided details and statistics on reactive land use enforcement cases <br /> opened and those closed; the types of cases; and a summary of closed cases; hig- <br /> hlighting the positive cooperation received from citizens. Mr. Munson provided a <br /> location map for cases occurred, with minimal trouble spots indicated. Mr. Mun- <br /> son noted that the recently enacted Nuisance Ordinance would provide additional <br /> incentive for cooperation from repeat offenders. Mr. Munson reviewed those re- <br /> source options provided by staff in their enforcement efforts through the Housing <br /> Resource Center, faith based and/or community volunteers; and other opportuni- <br /> ties to avoid enforcement proceedings being sought by staff. Mr. Munson pro- <br /> vided some before/after photos of recent abatement cases; noting that staff was <br /> seeing a significant improvement in nuisance cases, with the majority of residents <br /> being receptive; and cooperative relationships developed with volunteer groups <br /> and banks; and that staff anticipated further reductions in nuisance properties in <br /> 2011, that staff would be proactively addressing through the Nuisance Ordinance <br /> and through reorganization of department staff and assigned duties. <br /> Mr. Munson highlighted the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) created <br /> in 2008 by the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) addressing <br /> smaller nuisance situations before they became major concerns through an educa- <br /> tional process by staff to Roseville residents. Mr. Munson advised that originally <br /> the first cycle for inspecting the entire community was proposed for four (4) <br /> years,but had been accomplished in three (3) years; and provided exterior inspec- <br /> tions for all of the City's single-family, duplexes, and up to four (4)-unit apart- <br /> ment complexes. Mr. Munson noted that the program was scheduled to continue <br /> in 2011, with an even more proactive cycle for inspecting properties throughout <br /> the community. <br /> Mr. Munson reviewed similar data specific to this program, with the majority of <br /> cases closed within 120 days due to the positive cooperation by residents upon <br /> their awareness of the problem areas and their receipt of an initial nuisance letter <br /> seeking compliance. Mr. Munson noted the annual reduced percentage in cases <br /> from 7.6% to 3.7% over that three (3) year cycle, with only 1 in 20 homes having <br /> violations. Mr. Munson reviewed the lessons learned from the first cycle of the <br /> NEP, and indications that the program was working as intended by the HRA, and <br /> receiving many supportive comments from residents. Mr. Munson advised that <br /> staff would attempt to track more data to better identify trends. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and Mr. Munson included future cycles for <br /> the NEP program being undetermined at this time depending on compliance rates <br /> and HRA determinations as to whether to continue the program annually or delay <br /> if for a few years; program costs for abatements representing proportionate costs <br /> for staffing, facility, and vehicles; with clarification that the NEP program was <br /> funded entirely through HRA levy funds at $20,000. <br />