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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Further discussion included rationale for not performing commercial or residential <br /> properties higher than four (4) units based on HRA funding priorities that were <br /> currently focused on smaller residential properties. <br /> Councilmember Pust, in her role as HRA Member/Council Liaison, noted that <br /> HRA functions and funds were not limited to residential properties; and that fu- <br /> ture discussions may indicate moving in that direction; however, at this time the <br /> HRA had not directed staff accordingly. <br /> Councilmember Johnson noted that nuisance properties represented a substantial <br /> number of comments that he estimated at 50% and had received when campaign- <br /> ing for the City Council in 2008; and expressed encouragement by the positive <br /> trends and statistics indicated. Councilmember Johnson expressed curiosity in <br /> hearing from most recently-elected Councilmembers on their experiences with <br /> similar comments during last year's campaign. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated that it remained a frequently-expressed com- <br /> ment, not as high as 50%, but estimated at between 10-15%, and he saw that de- <br /> creased complaint as a direct result of greater education with the NEP program. <br /> Mayor Roe opined his surprise in seeing the reduced trend in violations given the <br /> increasing trend in foreclosures; noting that he had anticipated that the trend <br /> would point in a more negative direction. <br /> In conclusion, Mr. Munson reviewed a status report of 2010 Abatement and Court <br /> Citation Cases; and 2010 Abatement Billings. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> Recess Regular Meeting <br /> Convene as Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> At this time, Johnson moved, Willmus seconded, recessing the regular business meeting and re- <br /> convening as the Board of Adjustments and appeals for the City of Roseville, Minnesota. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; McGehee; Willmus; Pust; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Chair Roe called to order the Roseville City Council, convening as the Board of Adjustments and <br /> Appeals. City Attorney Charlie Bartholdi was also present. <br /> Consider a Resolution with Findings, Affirming Petitioners do not have Standing pursuant <br /> to City Code 201.07 to Petition for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br /> Chair Roe noted the process that had ensued since the last meeting of the Board and its reference <br /> of this issue back to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. <br />