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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon summarized the process referenced by <br /> Chair Roe and as detailed in the RCA dated February 14, 2011; along with the February 2, 2011 <br /> Planning Commission's unanimous recommendation to the City Council that the petitioners did <br /> not have standing pursuant to Roseville City Code, Section 201.07 and that the Community De- <br /> velopment Director made the proper decision not to proceed with the request made by the Woods <br /> Edge Homeowners Association and the Old Highway 8 Neighborhood residents in their petition. <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed confusion as to why citizens continued down this path when they <br /> had been told that they had no legal authority for this path to work for them. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon clarified that this step was a culmination of the process that had originally been <br /> started by the citizens. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the citizens could have withdrawn their appeal at any time at their discre- <br /> tion. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, when the citizen group had initially come forward in No- <br /> vember of 2010, they had been provided no distinction between the process for requesting rezon- <br /> ing and requesting an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan, which distinction had been <br /> brought up much later in the process. Councilmember McGehee provided her perspective on the <br /> intent of the citizens, opining that they hoped that the strength of their advocacy in the process <br /> would be heard. Councilmember McGehee reviewed her concerns with the process over the last <br /> ten years and land use and zoning designations of the subject properties; and further questioned <br /> rationale in requiring this distinction. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon clarified the citizen petition process and staffs awareness of the petition during <br /> the process, without the value of having been able to assist the citizens in the appropriate process <br /> to follow, providing better direction for all parties. Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the legislative <br /> changes over the last several decades moving from zoning trumping comprehensive plans, and <br /> now comprehensive plans trumping zoning; creating the need for compliance of both documents <br /> in accordance with state law. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the subject properties had been zoned one <br /> way and the comprehensive plan had guided for HDR land use designation for decades, and had <br /> only been brought into consistency during the most recent Zoning Code Update completed in <br /> 2010. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the proscribed petition process served a value for residents to <br /> petition for change, and further advised that staff was sensitive to the issues currently before the <br /> Board; and noted that any rezoning application request and process may bring up new informa- <br /> tion that staff would forward to the City Council, along with recommendations as to whether a <br /> Comprehensive Plan Amendment should be initiated. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the City Attorney letter addressing differences in Zoning <br /> Code and Comprehensive Plan Amendments; and questioned the specific rationale to have two <br /> (2)parallel paths. <br /> City Attorney Bartholdi reviewed the justification for the distinctions and the parallel process <br /> specific to this issue, noting that Zoning Code changes did not need review and approval by the <br />