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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/8/2011 3:53:30 PM
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3/8/2011 3:53:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Metropolitan Council, but that Comprehensive Plan Amendments required their review and ap- <br /> proval. Mr. Bartholdi noted that zoning changes were therefore under the control of the Planning <br /> Commission and City Council, with distinctions in place as to subject property owners and adja- <br /> cent or neighboring property owner rights. <br /> Chair Roe refocused discussion on the issues at hand; advising that if additional and related dis- <br /> cussions were pursued, it should be when the Board recessed and reconvened as the City Coun- <br /> cil. <br /> At approximately 7:37 p.m., Chair Roe opened the meeting up for public comment on this mat- <br /> ter. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Rita Mix,3207 Old Highway 8 <br /> Ms. Mix advised that she had sent a letter with her written comments yesterday, and referenced <br /> them in her verbal comments at this time. Ms. Mix expressed concern that the City Council was <br /> not putting faces to the names on the petition; and advised that many of those signatures were <br /> from elderly residents unable to attend the meeting and not having access to e-mail. Ms. Mix <br /> opined that the petition was their main voice to explain what they wanted for the Old Highway 8 <br /> neighborhood; and it was the impression that those voices and others were not easily heard and <br /> that tonight's proceeding was to silence those voices. Ms. Mix questioned whether if their being <br /> declared as having no standing meant that their voices did not deserve to be heard. Ms. Mix <br /> asked if the City Council had heard their message or was it being obliterated because they didn't <br /> understand the process rules. Ms. Mix noted that neighbors were not available during past dis- <br /> cussions on development of their area and decisions were made by a previous City Council. Ms. <br /> Mix advised that they were here now as a result of that past decision; and asked what the respon- <br /> sibility of the current City Council was compared to those Council's of the past; and asked that <br /> the current City Council restore their faith in the City and find a compromise on development <br /> density on the two subject parcels; and to work with the neighbors to achieve what is best for the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Member Pust asked Ms. Mix if she and the neighborhood did not understand the last time they <br /> appeared before the City Council that they were attempting to proceed on a path that was not le- <br /> gally an option for them; but they appeared to be continuing on the same path. Member Pust <br /> clarified that the term "standing"was a legal concept to explain that they had no legal standing to <br /> continue on this path,but that they did have a right to ask the City to change the zoning, but were <br /> not asking that. <br /> Ms. Mix stated that she thought they had done and the City Council had said, "No." <br /> Member Pust advised that the last time the group appeared before the City Council, it was dis- <br /> cussed that the neighbors could go back and petition for rezoning and that the City Council could <br /> consider initiating a Comprehensive Plan Amendment; but instead they appeared to be simply <br /> appealing something that they had already been told that the City Council had to deny as the <br /> neighbors had no legal standing. <br />
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