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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14,2011 <br /> Page 24 <br /> atement proceeding with no siding as of one week ago; and as of last Friday, the <br /> property owner had completed siding installation. Mr. Munson provided updated <br /> pictures, noting that there remained discarded construction debris on site; garbage <br /> on a trailer in the front yard; and debris on the side of the garage still visible to <br /> neighbors and probably some buried under snow. Given the history of enforce- <br /> ment issues with this property owner, Mr. Munson asked the City Council to au- <br /> thorize staff to proceed with abatement of any remaining violations unless com- <br /> pleted by the property owner by March 1, 2011; with staff providing such notice <br /> to the property owners. Mr. Munson advised that the estimated city abatement <br /> cost was therefore reduced to approximately$500 for remaining work. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and Mr. Munson included validity of build- <br /> ing permits for six months unless extended; concerns with the garbage on the trai- <br /> ler, not necessarily the trailer itself that could be easily moved to the garage; poss- <br /> ible other materials and debris under the snow that needed to be addressed sug- <br /> gesting a longer period for compliance; past history and frustration of staff and <br /> Councilmembers in getting the property owner's response and resolution of is- <br /> sues; and support of the City Attorney in the proposed action by the City not be- <br /> ing arbitrary or capricious as it was for completion of the siding work issue pre- <br /> viously noticed, and did not represent a new and separate action that would need <br /> to be re-noticed. <br /> Mayor Roe verified that the property owner was not present, and no one else ap- <br /> peared to speak. <br /> Pust moved, McGehee seconded, recommendation that owner complete the siding <br /> installation project by removing all construction debris no later than April 15, <br /> 2011; or the City will contract to have the work completed and bill the property <br /> owner for actual and administrative costs; and if charges are not paid, staff will <br /> recover costs as specified in Section 407.07B of Roseville City Code. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; McGehee; Willmus; Pust; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> c. Consider City Abatement for Unresolved Violations of City Code at 590 <br /> Highway 36 <br /> Mr. Munson provided a summary of the request as detailed in the RCA dated Feb- <br /> ruary 14, 2011; noting that the property was currently in foreclosure, and had <br /> come to staff's attention as part of monitoring properties where Xcel Energy had <br /> turned off utilities. Mr. Munson reviewed outstanding home maintenance issues <br /> for siding and soffits; deteriorating exterior stairway; outside junk, debris and <br /> brush needing to be cleared; and an unlicensed vehicle in the driveway. Mr. <br /> Munson provided pictures of the property taken in October of 2010. <br />