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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:12:49 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:02:27 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. P-79-2 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />13 <br /> <br />DR. WILLIAM HILGEDICK, 1735 Skillman: The main <br />concern we brought up last time, and I haven't heard fully <br />addressed, was the speed that this avenue takes, and any <br />comments about residents speed don't mean anything. One <br />of the residents who didn't want to sign the petition said <br />it hasn't been bad lately and they live at the worst part <br />of the street. You asked, Mr. Kehr, about altering the <br />speed by widening the street to 32 or 36. I'd say if it <br />was simply smooth again we'd be back to the 40, 50 and <br />60 speeds on that street. It was horrendous. We're going <br />back to when the street was in good shape: so you're talking <br />about the street (inaudible) average smoothness and you <br />will upgrade to smoother and somewhat wider - it's <br />inevitable. I think the flavor of the petition that we sent <br />to you was that we'd like to get together on something. <br />There were many ideas cast about by the residents and we <br />didn't really feel we were the experts or it was our place <br />to build a road this way - change it this way - it was our <br />point of view that as proposed it inevitably will take a <br />very high speed. I don't know if it's the psychology of the <br />open feel that you get when you get on the street. I have <br />found myself doing it, I have to admit that. I don't <br />blame the people at the bowling alley or McDonald's, but <br />one has a feel coming from east to west that it's an easy <br />shot up that street and I think the people - many tend to <br />drive this faster than they do County Road B or Roselawn <br />which seem to be somehow better regulated, so I would just <br />add the plea to that letter and petition that certainly we'd <br />like to improve it, but can't we get something about some <br />overall plan which is something more than just widening and <br />improving the street. If you say regulate the speed better, <br />we'd like to know how, and I see how not to, don't put a <br />stop sign, but how. Can you tell us what to do and not <br />what not to do. ' I think there are studies on many streets <br />that carry a lot higher speed than they were designed for, and <br />we'd like to hear some of those things. What can you tell <br />us about speed regulation that would be adequate - and so <br />far it has just been entirely inadequate. I hope you have <br />some old studies on that - the complaints in the past. I <br />don't know if the Police keep a log book but I hope some of <br />you have looked into that (inaudible) stated this last time <br />and all we did between then and now is get together and <br />re-state it and have a lot of ideas, but we're not the <br />experts and we would look to and hope to have the experts <br />working it out. We'd like to give you all the background and <br />feed-back we can. I don't think we can do it all tonight <br />but I think you need that if you're going to put a roadway in <br />which will be livable. I agree with what you say about keeping <br />the trucks off the street, but I don't think the kids <br />should be near the street if they travel 60 miles an hour <br />and I will swear to that, and it's no exaggeration. <br /> <br />The famous accident was the one in which a car driving up <br />
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