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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:12:49 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:02:27 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. P-79-2 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />14 <br /> <br />the street from east to west took out a car in front of <br />Siegfrieds, caromed off that across the Bossard's lawn, <br />and slammed into their garage, knocking bricks off between <br />the partitions of the two halves of the garage. This <br />year a car in a similar area on the western end of this <br />approach took out four cars in one smash, and that's no <br />exaggeration. I think these' are not 35 and 40 mile an hour <br />speeds. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN FRANKE: Was there alcohol involved in the <br />accident? <br /> <br />DR. HILGEDICK: probably so - that's a fair guess, but I <br />don't think it's a fair thing to blame the speed on. <br /> <br />COUNCIL KEHR: Do you sort of feel it's a speedway <br />because it's sort of an isolated street there and very little <br />patrolling going on? <br /> <br />DR. HILGEDICK: It's hard to know. You do have an open <br />feel running from east to west, and I don't know why it is. I <br />think you might take it from the number of people that signed <br />this that there is something to this, and maybe you have a <br />hard time believing this, but if you 'want to keep on the <br />questioning again as you did last time - <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: The thing we're up against is whether we <br />can justify putting the amount of road mix into potholes <br />that are becoming larger and larger and if we don't do it <br />we have to dig out the base, and if we postpone it and do <br />go to a residential standard (inaudible) it would be coming <br />back at a higher cost both to the people who are getting the <br />assessment and to the taxpayers. I guess we're talking <br />dollars and cents, but I agree with you and I think there , <br />should be some way we can keep the traffic slow, and I want <br />to ask a question, and it's been alluded to by Mr. Kehr and <br />Mrs. Franke. I don't know what's going to happen here tonight <br />but there has to be something done, I believe, to slow the <br />traffic, and they do speed, and the man is right, and I've <br />witnessed time after time (inaudible) which would be better, <br />and I'm talking of speed now - a 32 foot wide street without <br />any cars parked on it, or a 36 with parking on one side. <br />In other words, is there going to be enough parking to slow <br />it down with 36, or would we be bet~r with 32. What is <br />your opinion? <br /> <br />DR. HILGEDICK: I'm no expert. I bring you the problem <br />and not the solution. I don't think it's our logical or <br />proper place to do that. Anyone could shoot us down immediately. <br />I can guess just on the basis of being a driver and a citizen, <br />but we present you the problem. <br />
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