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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31, 2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Chief O'Neill noted that he had inherited the current department structure, and af- <br /> ter completing his first year in the role of Chief would be working with City Man- <br /> ager Malinen for potential structure changes in 2012 to restructure personnel. <br /> Chief O'Neill reviewed ongoing and projected shared services opportunities, most <br /> specific with the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department (LJVFD), and devel- <br /> opment within the next few months of a specialized rescue team manned by <br /> LJVFD and Roseville Fire Department day-time personnel. Chief O'Neill re- <br /> viewed other agreements among the departments for mutual assistance at fires. <br /> Chief O'Neill noted grant funding received for volunteer training and additional <br /> outreach in the community; and addressed the changing needs of the community <br /> with emergency medical care and services due to the community's aging popula- <br /> tion. Chief O'Neill expressed the departments' desire to provide the best possible <br /> care to that aging population before, during and after medical incidents, and to <br /> provide sufficient follow-up allowing them to remain in their homes. <br /> Chief O'Neill noted, similar to other departments, the expanded training require- <br /> ments, and industry changes with training needed for chemicals and other Homel- <br /> and Security issues; and the need to address the health and wellness of firefighters <br /> in their strenuous jobs. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding recent discussions at the Ramsey County League of <br /> Local Governments (RCLLG) on shared service opportunities; interest in expand- <br /> ing those shared services with other communities based on past conversations and <br /> future potential; the need to consider if and how any shared services make sense <br /> for respective communities and/or fire departments; rationale for location of any <br /> future fire station(s); current department response time of a little over three (3) <br /> minutes and within the 90th percentile for the nation; timing projections for a po- <br /> tential referendum and other funding options for a new station; and taking into <br /> consideration potential school district referendums. <br /> Chief O'Neill noted that in the department's 67 year history, the Fire Department <br /> had never sought a referendum, but other funding had been utilized for construc- <br /> tion of two of the last three stations. <br /> Additional discussion included fleet replacement projections; Councilmember <br /> Johnson's experience as City Council Liaison to the Fire Commission and his en- <br /> couragement to Councilmembers to take time to tour Station #3 and changes in <br /> the department and services provided since its construction in the 1960's; review <br /> of the history of current stations and their current disrepair; current limited use of <br /> Station #1; and recognizing another example of the need for an asset management <br /> program. <br />