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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21, 2011 <br /> Page 12 <br /> community and Fire Department have continued to evolve. Councilmember <br /> Willmus opined that this was a step in the right direction; and echoed the com- <br /> ments of Councilmember Pust on the need to look at issues from a regional pers- <br /> pective going forward and be prepared to incorporate that thinking into any future <br /> design. <br /> Chief O'Neill briefly reviewed the next step in the process as detailed in the RCA <br /> dated March 21, 2011; seeking RFP's to enter into a contract to develop concept <br /> and preliminary drawings and cost estimates, noting that it was a multi-step <br /> process, with bids based on best value process. Chief O'Neill noted that each step <br /> of the design phase would continue to involve input from the City Council, the <br /> Committee, Fire Department and the community at large; and anticipated that it <br /> would remain relatively inexpensive, estimating an expenditure of approximately <br /> $10,000-$15,000 for conceptual drawings. Chief O'Neill noted that the cost for <br /> full architectural drawings would be much more expensive; but reiterated that <br /> each step of the process would come before the City Council and community for <br /> those steps and cost estimates from professionals. <br /> Discussion among staff and Councilmembers included the process and intent of <br /> the RFP; use of the best value process; proposed funding for the RFP through use <br /> of funds budgeted in 2010 for the Assistant Fire Chief positions that remained un- <br /> used, in addition to funds set aside for Fire Relief Association payments that were <br /> not needed due to an uptick in the stock market; those funds not built into the <br /> 2011 Budget; and the Committee's hope to use the same firm for the concept and <br /> future architectural drawings in an attempt to save funds. <br /> Johnson moved, Pust seconded, authorizing the Fire Department to issue a Re- <br /> quest for Proposals (RFP) for Architectural Services including Preliminary Draw- <br /> ings, Final Drawings, and Building Cost Estimates using the Overall Best Value <br /> process. <br /> Councilmember McGehee sought clarification on what was intended to be speci- <br /> fied in the RFP, and asked that it include tying a new station into the existing geo- <br /> thermal field unless found to be insufficient to satisfy the needs of the Fire De- <br /> partment, and other potential options if that was the case, such as solar. Council- <br /> member McGehee expressed her interest in seeing that the building would be built <br /> adequate for the foreseeable future, be energy efficient beyond the bare minimum, <br /> and potentially LEED certification; noting that the City had enough experience <br /> with past fire stations and their inadequate and poor construction; and suggested <br /> looking at other green building potential, such as green roofs; all to be included in <br /> an RFP. <br /> Chief O'Neill reiterated that the design phase had yet to be entered into, but that <br /> he hoped it would be an interactive opportunity for feedback from the Fire De- <br /> partment, City Council, and community to transition from a Building Facility <br /> III <br />